Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Sequins

I walked into church one day earlier this month, and saw this hanging on the wall.

They are sequins sewn onto fabric. BUT they are double sided, a different color on each side. So you can make words or designs by flipping them over. Like this.

Some of the designs during the week.

I played with them, and wrote my name and this.

On Easter Morning, here is what they looked like.

“I looked, and I saw beside the cherubim four wheels, one beside each of the cherubim; the wheels sparkled like topaz.”

Ezekiel 10


Ruth Hiebert said...

That is very cool. I can see how playing with them would be entertaining.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I haven't seen these before...how neat! I love blogging because I see so many things that I would otherwise never know about. Have a nice week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

WOW! and WOW again!!!! I have never seen anything like this. what an amazing idea. I love the two last photos... did I say this is AMAZING??? did someone in the church make this? a lot of work sewing them on like that. I googled this and could not find it quickly but I did find amazing art made with sequins, none we could draw in

Karen said...

That is very cool!

Shug said...

I have never seen these before. So interesting and fun! I bet a lot of folks have written their name on them. Hope you are resting and letting that foot heal.

Nancy Chan said...

This is interesting. I wonder how they are sewed to enable to be flip over the other side.

Tamago said...

What a beautiful creation. How interesting you can flip the sequins and make your design! It must need a lot of work and patience to sew all the sequins. Simply amazing!

Marie said...

this is so neat! I've never seen anything like it. It looks like fun! I can almost feel it. :)

Ann Thompson said...

Oh wow. That is so cool and fascinating. I could avoid a lot of housework playing around with one of those

Carla from The River said...

I love them. Are they selling them?

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Those are amazing hangings in church Ginny

Marie said...

we've been outbid on the two homes we made offers on. one we offered full asking price and on the other we offered over asking and still no luck. for our budget there's more buyers than homes.
thanks for asking Ginny. we'll be looking again this Saturday. :)

Marie said...

If I can ever find good doctors and get my health in order and have my surgery I should possibly consider a career in real estate. :) lol

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