Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Tin Man

Who knew that the tin man and his dog live just a few blocks away? I didn't know until this month.

The Tin Man and his faithful pooch live in front of a garage, and are made mostly of mufflers.

“Carved mouths that can’t talk, painted eyes that can’t see, Tin ears that can’t hear, molded noses that can’t smell, Hands that can’t grasp, feet that can’t walk or run, throats that never utter a sound.”

Psalm 115


DeniseinVA said...

What a really neat piece of art. Thanks for sharing it Ginny

Nancy Chan said...

That is a great piece of tin craft! You live in a really interesting place with talented people!

Ann said...

You have the most fascinating things around you. This is so neat. Somebody is very talented to make all those mufflers look like a man and his dog. Love the tongue sticking out on the dog

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maybe we should change his name to Muffler Man, this is really cool and took a lot of talent and creative ability to build it.. you find the coolest things ever....

Anonymous said...

Your town is so interesting. I love all of the things you post. Have a great day.
Jean from Memphis.

Linda said...

That is so cool! I love art made from recycled material! Whoever made this must be a very creative and interesting person! Wouldn't you like to meet him! I know I would! Or HER!

Unknown said...

I love it, someone is so... creative. With nothing!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Someone is very creative!!!!! What an interesting art form ---making things out of old mufflers... Awesome.


Carla from The River said...

Hi Ginny,
We have a tin man in a town about 30 miles from us. Instead of a dog, he has a pet pig. It is funny because the owners dress him for the seasons. ;-)
I will be taking an Easter Blog break.
Wishing you a wonderful Easter week!
Love, Carla

Marie said...

I love it! love that he has a dog. :)
you always amaze me with finding the right words.

Hootin Anni said...

Amazing work of art!! I want one. And Toto Too!!!

Rose said...

Oh, wow, wish I could make one for Lorelei's mom! She dressed as the Tin Man one year for Halloween for something at school. Her and her dad did it and it was sooooo good...I didn't get a pic before she left and forever after regretted it cause she had taken it off before she got home.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Someone has gone to a lot of work to make that. It is certainly interning and one of a kind.

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