Monday, April 10, 2017

Puffed Up

Right in front of us sat this tiny bird in a high wind. He was struggling to keep his balance, and was all puffed up to keep warm. No other birds around. It made me wonder about him...

 “If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.”

Matthew 23


Reanaclaire said...

So cute and adorable bird... Nice shot, Ginny!

Nancy Chan said...

Nice pretty bird but so alone on the branch. Its feathers are all ruffled by the wind.

Ann said...

He's an adorable puffy little guy. I always feel sorry for the birds out there in weather that makes us run for cover. Of course they're used to it but still can't help feeling bad for them

Karen said...

You got some great pics of that little guy!

Marie said...

these photos are so beautiful..he or she is adorable. looks like a young bird. maybe he'll choose your yard to make home. :)
that last photo is a Great capture!

LV said...

No doubt the weather caught it off guard, and just had to hang on. Cute little fellow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do love this puffy little guy/gal.. so adorable and people who get puffed up are not adorable for sure and need the wind knocked out of them per that verse

Bobbie said...

Love it, Ginny! And... you get the best pictures!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a cutie!

Yes, I'd love to hear more about the fairy festival.

L. D. said...

This is such a pretty little bird. I usually find someone to poke me when I get all puffed up.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm sure he is ok.You got some good pictures of this little sparrow.

Rose said...

You were in the right place at the right these.

Linda said...

You do such gifted work - matching your amazing photos with the perfect scriptures!

Hootin Anni said...

Musta been chilly!!
Looks like a chipping sparrow.

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