Friday, May 5, 2017

Red Eyes

I was watching the Today Show the other day, and just HAD to snap the T.V.!! They had this Red Eyed Tree Frog. He is so incredible!! I have never seen colors like this. Not poisonous, and they make good pets!! He was so friendly. But I suppose our cats would eat him...

“Aaron stretched his staff over the waters of Egypt and a mob of frogs came up and covered the country.”

Exodus 8 


Ann said...

Wow, his colors are amazing. So pretty. Yeah, I can't see him being a good companion for a

crafty cat corner said...

So beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is so beautiful and bright and colorful he looks fake... I have seen lots of these type, but not just like him, at Selby gardens, seems they come in all colors... I am liking this guy a lot

DeniseinVA said...

He is a cute frog, those colors are so pretty and he makes a great header shot. Great photos from the TV Ginny, I recognize Dean Cane.

Nancy Chan said...

I have not come across a frog like this. So colourful!

Marie said...

he's beautiful! can't believe how vibrant his colors! we need to treasure every creature. :)
happy weekend to you. :)

Unknown said...

He looks like a toy! Amazing!

L. D. said...

I like how your life experiences relate to the bible history.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Buddy and I founf the bright green with red eyes popping very delightful. Thanks for sharing this

Rose said...

I bet he would have a bad taste....but they would probably maul him pretty bad...LOL

LV said...

Definitely a most different and unique one.

Ruth Hiebert said...

He is certainly colourful.

Anne said...

Stunning! The first time I saw a blue frog (poisonous), I couldn't stop taking pictures . it was so tiny and positively breathtaking.

Linda said...

Amazing! I hear all sorts of frogs at the ranch but never see any other than the ones up by the big tank!

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