Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sitting In The Road

I thought you might want an update on the baby geese. They have really grown! But all the geese have started sitting in the road! They will sit right in the middle of the road.They seem to love it there. Cars have to slow down and honk, and the geese are very slow to move! I wonder why this is?

You can see how much the babies have grown.

And look at this huge one! He is so much bigger than the others! He has started getting his adult feathers. Strange.

As the sun was setting, we left the geese.

“They were so absorbed in their “God projects” that they didn’t notice God right in front of them, like a huge rock in the middle of the road. And so they stumbled into him and went sprawling.”

Romans 9 


Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh....this is so precious!!!

Would you mind if I add your post link to my birding blog? Let me know. I won't if you don't want to's up to you Ginny.

And by the way, those chicks ARE Moorhens [Gallinule is the 'scientific name] of the same bird species. You were correct.

DeniseinVA said...

They are always so much fun to observe aren't they Ginny? You took great shots. I have noticed how patient people are when crossing the road with their little ones, and there are sometimes a long line of cars waiting for them to get to the other side.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How precious! I've been watching a pair of geese at the pond nearby and wonder if they have a nest close by. Love your photos!

Lea said...

I love seeing those babies!

Ann Thompson said...

They are really growing. I wonder if they lay inthe road because they like the heat from the pavement

Linda said...

Geese are crazy critters! We used to have three of them down here at the ranch and we called them Larry, Curly and Moe! They were always in formation and would honk like everything! Finally one day a mallard duck had had ENOUGH and he turned around on them and started chasing them all the way out of the yard! Critter watching is so much fun!

Tamago said...

Awww babies are growing up :-) They are so adorable!

Karen said...

The geese sit in our apartment lot driveway here! They are certainly trusting of the elderly residents' driving!

Ruth Hiebert said...

They grow so fast. Around here,I always think they sit on the roadways, because the dark surface attracts more heat, but I could be wrong about that.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh Wow they have grown! I love to watch geese but cant begin to guess why they like sitting in the road lol

Rose said...

I wonder if they like the warmth of the pavement?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maybe there tushes were cold from floating in cold water?? they are growing up so fast... baby anything makes me feel joy...

Nancy Chan said...

They have really grown so much. I love your setting sun shot. Have a great new week!

Jean said...

Great photos of the geese and their growing babies. We had to wait not long ago for a mother goose and her babies to cross one of our roads, I was so sad not get a picture (didn't expect to see them in the middle of a busy area & my son had my phone to play a game). Thanks for sharing your pictures!

Shug said...

cute and adorable.... i bet it's fun watching them mature. such gorgeous pictures of the sunset

Hootin Anni said...

Ginny: Your comment[s] you left for me was GRAND!! Thank you so stated: "however, is that iris leaves look like reeds, the Middle English word for which was flagge." that is so interesting Thank you for the input. It's valuable. Truly.

Andrea said...

We have geese around us too and it IS very odd for them to sit in the road. Usually cars make them scatter. Perhaps they realize the mercy & compassion of those in your area. May they never be disappointed. Blessings~ Andrea in Indiana

Patsy said...

We have two geese that want to cross the street and it is busy.
Why they don't just fly across?? We look for them to get killed.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

The goslings are gorgeous

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) My comments are all late, because it's been a busy weekend, but I'm so glad I called on you to see the darling goslings, cute they look crossing the road!!:=) Your sunset is gorgeous.

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