Sunday, May 7, 2017

Taste The Rainbow

Last night, Anne Marie and I did the Great Skittles Experiment!. It is easy. Make a design on a plate with the Skittles, carefully pour just a bit of hot water on the plate, then wait. Viola!! She started with something easy.

Then we went on to other designs she thought of.

She swirled this one with a toothpick!

Then she made a butterfly!

“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept.” 
Matthew 5


Filip and Kristel said...

Very nice with all these colors, can you also eat it?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

are they edible after melting? I used to love them when I was working. they really look pretty, like a melted kaleidoscope

Ann Thompson said...

Wow that's really cool. Fun experiment and so colorful

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a fun experiment. My son and granddaughter did the same thing a while ago.

LV said...

How neat. It is amazing what you can learn from the little ones. Dumb me did not know about this.

Marie said...

what fun! I don't eat skittles, but this could be fun. :) surprised I never saw this when my son was young.
hope you had a nice weekend. :)

Rose said...

I don't know if I should show Lorelei this or not!

Shug said...

I have seen this before...isn't it amazing and a lot of fun...

DawnTreader said...

Probably a healthier use for them than eating them ;-)

Hootin Anni said...

That is awesome. I like the results. Pretty too.

Tamago said...

Wow, what a fun! I've never seen Skittles experiment. It's really cool! Anne Marie created many beautiful designs. Love the butterfly :-)

Jeanne said...

Looks like fun! And it's so perfect for your Bible verse.

Nancy Chan said...

I used to eat them when I was young. This is fun and very colourful. I didn't know about this experiment. Great verse!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Ginny,
I love this idea!
Thank you for sharing.

Linda said...

Such a great idea!! Yes, you are so right! Our quads will love this! You are such an inspiration to me! I love how you are so involved with your grands and all that you do with them! They sure do love you, you can tell!!

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