Monday, May 22, 2017

The Edge Of Glory

Come with us for Anne Marie's grade school graduation this evening! She is a straight A student! We were all there. Jazz says Hi from Phil's lap.

Dara is showing how she learned to curtsy!

Anne Marie's life story is on the bulletin board!

Now the curtain is rising! They sang "The Edge Of glory", "Man In the Mirror", "Stayin' Alive", and many others.

And here she is! She sang a solo!

She's getting her diploma.

Afterward there was much rejoicing!

Here we are, saying goodbye for now!

“You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.”

Colossians 2


DeniseinVA said...

This is such a heartwarming post Ginnie. Your grands are adorable and lovely photos of you both with Jazz and Anne Marie. That is an exciting day.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Such a big day! Congratulations! I loved seeing your photos of the big event. They are such pretty girls and look so happy!

Btw, Ginny, I accidentally hit the wrong button and my post was published before I finished. So if you have time, you might want to see the rest. :)

Nancy Chan said...

Jazz and Dara are so cute and adorable. Congratulations to Ann Marie and to you all for her graduation. Such a happy and big occasion. Ann Marie has grown into a beautiful lady. You all look great and happy!

From the Kitchen said...

I love seeing photos of your beautiful family!! What a joyful event.


Patsy said...

Congratulations Ann Marie!
Wonderful family.

LV said...

A grand occasion for the entire family. She is growing up much too fast tho.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is so beautiful and smart to, that is a wonderful combination.. I like her life on the board.. she is now a young lady

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh how very special!

George said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie and her proud grandparents. It looks as if the graduation was a wonderfully exciting event.

Rose said...

I bet you had some fun! I would have loved to hear them singing.

Ann Thompson said...

It's hard to believe how grown up she is already. Congratulations Anne Marie

Reanaclaire said...

WELL DONE, ANN MARIE! We, the readers here watch her grow up, right? We are so proud and happy for you and your family too, Ginny!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats to Anne Marie... She is so grown up.. AND---she's a singer???? AWESOME....

I love her dress... Just perfect....

Looks like a great evening...


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I bet her teachers just love her. She seems like such a shining star.

Unknown said...

So special! She's a beautiful young lady!

Hootin Anni said...

Congratulations for a straight A record! How awesome is that? And the pride shows. She sang a solo? That too is quite a

Lady Jane said...

What a beautiful girl and she is so kind and smart. You are so blessed. Hugs, LJ

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