Monday, May 1, 2017


Willy's is much more than a soft serve ice-cream place. Around here, everyone waits for it to open in the spring. It is a delicious gathering place for both people and animals. On any summer evening, there are long lines, but no one minds waiting because we all visit!

Mr. Willy died about a year ago, and left Willy's to his daughter. She had a great job with the school board, but quit it in order to keep this beloved place running! 

Grizzled bikers come  out.

Dogs come! Yes, Willy's has dog ice-cream dog treats. This dog swallowed a whole bowl of ice-cream in one gulp.

Even in the dark, people don't stop coming!

And here is a customer close to my heart. Our granddaughter Anne Marie when she was a baby. One of her first visits.

Do YOU have a place like this in your town?

“When you’ve stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you’re starved, you could eat a horse.”
Proverbs 27


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it seems just yesterday Ann Marie was that baby girl. she is now a beautiful young lady, time is on fast forward. I also remember a few post about this ice cream parlor. glad the daughter kept it open for all these people and I love the night shots

Marie said...

such an adorable photo of Anne Marie!! our local Goodberry's get long lines even when it's cold out. :) I don't think they serve ice cream treats for dogs...such a wonderful idea.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like the perfect gathering place.You can't go wrong if ice-cream is involved. We do have a place similar, called George's.

Ann Thompson said...

What a great place. We've had a few different ice cream places here but they're open for a year and then go up for sale

Rose said...

I love places like this!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

That is so nice to have a place that is loved like Willys. Dog ice cream would be loved! Such a cute pic of Anna Marie

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