Monday, January 28, 2019


I read about a new study in the local paper last week. Eating a meal of regular fried chicken once or more a week gives one a 13% increased risk of premature death.

The study was done on 107,000 post-menopausal women from the 1990's through 2017.
ONE meal of fried chicken a week!

But why did they run the study only on women, and why were they all at such an older age? A fried fish sandwich has a 7% higher risk. All I know is that if something tastes divine, you can be sure it's bad for you.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

We are all going to die of something probably!

Nancy Chan said...

We used to joke that everything that is delicious is not good for health. I love fried chicken.

Ann said...

If we stayed away from everything they have said is bad for us over the years I think we would be out there grazing on grass. But then I'm sure they would do a study to discover that was bad for us too.

Rose said...

I had to laugh at the other answers...i agree with all said by others.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I to, agree with all the comments and especaily Margaret, we all die from something. probably. love that... I to wondered why only older women. I read this to bob and he said his family of 8 all smoked and all are dead, he was the only one that did not smoke, he is 82... all his family died smoking related diseases. my mother fed us fried chicken from birth until she died from diabetes which was caused by addiction to sugar. daddy lived to 93 and his brothers lived longer than that. they all ate fried chicken their whole lives. phooey is what I say to their study

George said...

I've heard that the easiest diet is the 'If It Tastes Good, Spit It Out' Diet.

Tamago said...

I agree that if something tastes divine, it's bad for you :-)

DawnTreader said...

Now I want to know what difference it makes HOW you fry the chicken...

Ruth Hiebert said...

Isn't that the truth. If it tastes good, you likely shouldn't be eating it.But, we all have to eat,so my theory is to enjoy the food I can.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh my! Guess what I ate for lunch today! We don't have it every week but it's a treat once in awhile! I hiked this afternoon...hope that helps! heehee! Hugs!

Lois said...

Well I, for one, am not giving up my fried chicken!

Carla from The River said...

Ha! Well I am going to keep eating chicken, coffee, bacon, eggs.. what ever else they come up with next. LOL

Inger said...

I'm a lazy cook, so I prefer to stick chickens and the rest of what I eat in the oven and bake it. I actually can't remember when I last fried something. And no Kentucky Fried in our town.

Chatty Crone said...

My dear friend loved fried chicken, but she did die early. There is probably something to that.

DeniseinVA said...

We always say if it tastes too good it’s bad :) The fried chicken people must have been very annoyed at this one.

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