Thursday, January 31, 2019


This is a street in a nearby city. It is a main thoroughfare for school buses, this is the Daycare there. People drive at high speeds on the street.

After the neighbors turned a petition into the city, they all get together and painted this large flower at the intersection. Their hope was that speeding cars will slow down to look at it. A few of the students signed their names in the border. It is fading now, so it will get a new coat of paint this May.

Across the city, neighbors got together and painted a sunflower in one of their intersections where speeding was a problem.

Your children tell you casually, years later, what it would have killed you with worry to know at the time.
 ~Mignon McLaughlin


Rose said...

That sounds like such a great idea...I wonder if it works.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It would be interesting to know if those flowers actually do cause folks to slow down.I know that all too often flashing red lights on a school bus don't even make them slow down.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

yes it would be interesting to know if it works Ginny. More investigation is needed!

Nancy Chan said...

How nice! I do hope these painting help to slow down the speeding.

Ann said...

I like those. Do you know if it helped slow traffic down?

Hootin Anni said...

Hmmmm, a great concept if it works. Hope there isn't too much detail where it distracts the driver & ignoring the children who use it for a crosswalk.

George said...

I would like ti think that these paintings help slow down traffic, but I suspect some strict enforcement of the traffic laws would do a better job.

Inger said...

Not sure what they will do for traffic, but the paintings are certainly lovely. It seems like stop signs would be a better or at least stricter alternative.

Chatty Crone said...

What a pro active way to handle a problem - and no anger or arguing! lol

Tamago said...

Those paintings are very pretty!
Some drivers drive way too fast. I sure hope the paintings work to slow traffic.

photowannabe said...

Have the paintings in the middle of the streets done any good?
They are quite lovely.
I hope they have.
People tend to think that any street or road is their own private Freeway...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I hope the giant flowers slowed the traffic down, it is a huge problem here, speeding cars where children are.. plus it looks great to... I am late because feedly had hiccups with an update Microsoft did and marked half my blogs as read. I would click on the title and it would come up with a blog I did not click on then disappear. a shut down fixed it but now I am hunting for those I missed this morning. taking the week end off, so don't fret.

Carla from The River said...

Did it work? I do hope so. It looks very pretty.

I am not sure what the photo is of that you asked about in my Ohio River Mississippi River post. Sadly, Ginny, the park was in awful shape. So much vandalism. Most of the information signs where ripped up and destroyed. It was very sad to see all the damage to a State Park. I was not able to learn much about the structures.

Lois said...

An interesting idea. They certainly are pretty!

DeniseinVA said...

It's pretty, I wonder if it works?

Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...