Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Elvis' Last Cadillac

Elvis Presley was well known for giving away Cadillacs. He gave them to many people, and would sometimes walk into a dealer and buy several at once. We were at a car museum a few years ago, and they had the last Cadillac that Elvis ever bought.

Here is Phil peeking through the window.

Here is the check with Elvis' signature. The date on the check appears to be 1976, so this would have been about a year before his death. It was a bit over $444,000.

Well there she sits buddy just a-gleaming in the sun
There to greet a working man when his day is done
I'm gonna pack my pa and I'm gonna pack my aunt
I'm gonna take them down to the Cadillac ranch

Eldorado fins, whitewalls and skirts
Rides just like a little bit of heaven here on earth
Well buddy when I die throw my body in the back
And drive me to the junkyard in my Cadillac

James Dean in that mercury '49
Junior Johnson runnin' through the woods of Carolina
Even Burt Reynolds in that black Trans Am
All gonna meet down at the Cadillac ranch

Bruce Springsteen


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I never knew he gave away cars and that one is a beauty

Ann said...

I'm with Margaret, I didn't know he gave away cars.

Nancy Chan said...

The part about Elvis buy and giving away his cars is new to me too.

Hootin Anni said...

That little piece of paper with Elvis' signature is priceless too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would love to have the check if I could cash it,, our heat just quit and we are waiting on repair guy. it is 45 degrees, coldest day of the year. Phil looks cute in the car, I think he needs one.....

Lady Jane said...

Yepper… I knew this about Elvis. He was very kind hearted. Wish I had got one, lol... Love the Springsteen ditty. Hugs, lj

George said...

I wonder why I didn't get one?

Inger said...

Love the thought of a Cadillac Ranch. I once saw Burt Reynolds driving a brown Rolls Royce convertible through Beverly Hills. But it's true, he so belongs on the Cadillac Ranch.

Carla from The River said...

Oh Elvis.. my aunt cried when he passed away. She is a huge fan!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Now if I wanted a Cadillac that would be a good one to have.

Chatty Crone said...

I did hear that he gave cars away. What was $444,000 - that car?

Lois said...

What a wonderful find Ginny! I love the blue.

Tamago said...

I didn’t know Elvis gave away cars! His last Cadillac looks very nice!

Rose said...

I worked with a girl that went to see Elvis I don't know how many times and she had a couple photo albums...some with her in the front row, some her with him! She was sooo sad when he died.

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