Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Cards

From among the Christmas cards we got, here are my favorites. Which one is yours?

Th Charlie Brown gang, complete with glitter!

Baby bunny & birds.

This card is very special because my good blog friend Linda Chapman painted it herself! She is a very talented artist.

And this one is from my friend Monica in Sweden.

How do you like my little houses? I got them for under $3.00! For now, I fanned the cards out and put a house in the center.

“Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others is good you do yourself.”


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

here is my choice. No 1, then no 7 and finally no 9

crafty cat corner said...

It has to be the first one and the dog dashing through the snow. What do you do with them, they are too nice to throw away.
Happy New Year Ginny and thanks for all of the lovely posts last year and the quotes that went with them.

Ann said...

Love them all but I think the little white dog dashing through the snow would be my top pick.
I clip my cards along the top of the blinds on the slidiing glass door. I have little clothespins that have little felt trees attached to them

Hootin Anni said...

Of course my favorite would be the kitty watching Santa!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

since I don't send cards, I got 4 only, from my die hard friends Linda and Monica, two of your cards are from them also, and my other 2 were from bob's 2 nieces whom I have never met. love the little houses sitting on the cards. my favorite of yours not counting Linda and Monica is the dog running with the green in his mouth and go ahead and say it. you knew it would be the dog

Shug said...

the dog....dashing through the snow really caught my eye. They are all beautiful and the thing that I love about Christmas cards is the very thought on someones heart in sending it. I did not get Christmas cards sent out this year..... :( :(

Nancy Chan said...

I will pick the dog dashing through the snow. The rest are all lovely.

Sandi said...

Those are beautiful.

Linda said...

My favorite is the white goose! I love and admire watercolor and this looks like a beautiful painting!

Tamago said...

I love all the cards and especially the one with a kitty :-) Also, it's so amazing your blog friend Linda painted the picture with Santa! She is really talented! I love the adorable little house, too!

DawnTreader said...

I always had a soft spot for the Charlie Brown gang :)
The houses are cute, too

Ruth Hiebert said...

Each card has it's own touch of whimsy and beauty.I cannot pick a favourite.

DeniseinVA said...

I love how you have arranged your cards in your header photo. All very pretty and best of all are the people, always a treat to read who sent them. I always enjoy going down to the mailbox and see the Christmas Cards arriving :)

photowannabe said...

Love all your cards Ginny. Hard to pick a favorite.
We didn't get many this year and I have to admit I didn't send any...time just got away from me.
I'm actually doing new year's cards instead.
My favorite cards that I received are the ones with photos of friends and family. It's always fun to see how the kids have grown and how we have "aged" too.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love the little house all lit up. It's so pretty. I am partial to Peanuts so I think I like the Charlie Brown card the best but they are all wonderful and what a treat to have so many friends send you cards!

Rose said...

I love Christmas cards!

Chatty Crone said...

That Santa of Linda's must be her hubs Dean.
I love that house.
I never thought about displaying my cards.
Hope you will have a great year.

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