Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Grocery Shopping

Here is my favorite of all the tin creatures. Mom is grocery shopping with her baby girl in the cart child seat. Their bodies are both tin cans. Notice baby's teaspoon legs dangling, wrench hands, and tea infuser head. Mom is clutching the cart handle with fork hands, and her hair is curlicued strips of metal.

The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one. ~Erma Bombeck


Linda said...

How very clever!!!!
Love that quote! Truth!

Connie said...

I love her . . . and just in time for Valentine's Day :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Ingenious Ginny

Ann said...

Oh wow, I love this. It's totally adorable. I used to actually have that Hershey kiss container that they used for the moms body.
This is just so clever.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with Irmas statement. I love that photo of the grocery cart. I would love to visit and see all of this with my own eyes. so much talent to create these awesome pieces of art...

Chatty Crone said...

That mom looks like me! LOL

George said...


Rose said...

Oh, my, I so love this. And so love the quote from Erma....that could be reworded for me to say the odds of going in to Walmart and coming out with only what I went for are one to a million.

DawnTreader said...

LOL and so cute!!!

Tamago said...

Oh wow, what a fantastic creation! I love it! I love their adorable faces :-)
Love the quote - it's very true! And going to store for bread and coming out without bread happens more than I like :-)

LV said...

Another strange find. Your part of the world really goes all out for interesting things.

Connie said...

Hi Ginny, it was so nice to see you in my comments. . . Yep, it's a mixed mush of a lot of color and a lot of creative projects on display, but it's all fun and it's all me. I love my Barn, thanks for visiting :) That's a great quote from Erma Bombeck and so true, LOL
Wishing you a wonderful day.
Connie :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

someone has a very creative mind, to be able to see these creations even before he/she begins to make them.

Sandi said...

I don't trust that robot one bit. Looks shifty! ;)

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE, love, LOVE this!!

Nancy Chan said...
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Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful tin creatures. Very creative. Have a great weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh what fun, so clever!

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...