Thursday, January 24, 2019

All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go

While driving one day, we came across this tree. It had been painted bright green.

Not only that, there was a hen underneath it, painted very prettily.

As if that wasn't enough, there was a little horseshoe painted on it. A mystery for sure.

Several miles away are two schools across the street from each other. An elementary and a high school. We spotted the students with buckets and brushes painting the trees in the parking lot bright blue. At both schools! They only painted as high as they could reach.

Any thoughts? Now that they are all dressed up, I wonder if the trees want to clap their hands?

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Isaiah 55


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I would prefer trees to be natural and that horse shoe is upside down and if you were superstitious (which I am not( your luck will be leaving you!

Ann said...

Well the first one since it looks like a dead tree, I assume it was cheaper to paint it than to cut it down. The hen is rather cute. Like Margaret said though the horse shoe is upside down.
The trees at the school is rather a mystery. I can't see any reason to paint the trees like that. Now I'm curious about why they did that

Nancy Chan said...

I like the painted hen but no so sure about painted trees.

Hootin Anni said...

Nope...I don't care for it. Kinda gaudy. But to each it's own.

Whatever floats their boat.

Sandi said...

It can't be good for the trees... :-/

The first one looks dead, so ok. But the other two?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am very much against this. against painting trees, it is not good for them at all. even the dead one I don't like it. they are teaching the kids it is ok to destroy things. it is not art to me, but negligent teaching of children. beside that it is ugly...

George said...

This is a first for me!

DeniseinVA said...

An interesting form of expression encouraged by the school. I'm surprised they allowed them to do that tell you the truth. I much prefer the trees in their natural state. I am wondering if that first tree is a dead one?

DeniseinVA said...

I just had this memory of my grandmother painting the bottom of her apple trees with a white lime mixture to stop the bugs from eating them. Funny what pops into your head :)

Tamago said...

I don't like the idea of painting the trees, but I wonder if that is for protecting them from something in some way?

Ruth Hiebert said...

It would be interesting to know just why they painted the live trees. I can understand painting the dead ones in the first picture. I like the little hen, it is well done.

زمن السكوت said...
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Rose said...

I so love that first, and the blue ones are interesting. I wonder if it is healthy or unhealthy for the trees, or do they use a certain kind of paint....

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny I love the first one - the second I don't think it is a good thing!

Ida said...

I like the green tree with the hen on it. Very clever. Not so sure about the blue bushes. Although sometimes trees are painted to protect the branches.

Ida said...

I would like a way to leave you a comment personally (e-mail) but until then thank you for your kind words about the loss of our Ghost. To answer your question. His first owners named him, Ghost. We added the "Buster" since our cats have middle names and we liked the movie, Ghost Busters.

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...