Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Thrift & Discount Stores

Before we had our Olive Garden dinner, we spent the afternoon shopping in thrift and discount stores. A follower was curious as to what I bought, so this is for Anni. The clothes are all from Goodwill, and under $4.00 each. Everything else is pretty much just as cheap.

This is a little Jelly Belly dispenser, complete with tiny scoop! The grandchildren will love it, and so do I!

These mugs are a birthday or Christmas gift for my cat loving friend.

And these are for me.

“I haven't reported my missing credit card to the police because whoever stole it is spending less than my wife.”  ~Ilie Nastase

“I went to a general store but they wouldn't let me buy anything specific.”  ~Steven Wright


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

WOW Wonderful buys you founds. You have a new wardrobe of clothes and present for others to enjoy. Well done.

Nancy Chan said...

Lovely items and gifts you have bought from the stores. The first 2 items are so pretty.

Ann said...

Nice finds. I love the creamer and sugar bowl. The cups are really cute

Hootin Anni said...

The sweaters are fabulous Ginny! And the rooster is so adorable! Oh, and a perfect bunny duo. The dispenser WILL be a fun item for the kids. Thanks for showing us.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite item you bought is the bunny pitcher.. my favorite wearable item is the sweater you used in the header. all that detail work is amazing. I have never found anything in clothing for myself, but have bought shorts and shoes for Bob several times. once got 3 pair of cargo shorts that still had the tags on them for 4 each and a brand new pair of name brand boat shoes for 5 that sold for 79 new.... I have trouble finding things that fit my strange shape.

George said...

It looks as if you found some great buys on your shopping trip.

Chatty Crone said...

You have a MUCH better Goodwill then we do - I never find anything there. You are so lucky I love everything you bought and I like that first joke especially.

Tamago said...

I found such great items! I love the kitty mugs! And the little Jelly Belly dispenser is so cute. I'm sure your grandchildren will love it!
LOL @ the quotes :-)

Have a great weekend! xo

The Feminine Energy said...

You had a picture perfect birthday, Ginny! My type of shopping.... thrift store shopping!! :-) Thank you for posting pictures of your wonderful finds and thank you, Anni, for prompting the postings. Love, Andrea xoxo

Rose said...

Your Good Will must have nicer clothes than ours...I seldom find anything for me! To wear, I mean. I like everything you got...

photowannabe said...

You found some fabulous treasures...I really, really like the bunny sugar and creamer and the rooster too.
I Think it might be time for me to take a trip to the thrift store too.
You find treasures...I find "stuff".

DeniseinVA said...

What a neat selection. You got some great finds there Ginny :) Those sweaters are really pretty. Love the bunny jars and the rooster, jelly beans always look so colorful and festive, and those mugs are neat too.

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