Thursday, March 21, 2019

Worm Hunting

While I was waiting for the Worm Moon to rise, this robin just a few feet away from me was hunting for worms, too. He would tilt his head to listen, then pull one up.

Did you know that the robins in America are NOT really robins? They are a type of thrush. The REAL robins are in Europe, and are a species of Chat. Here is a picture of one from the web. See the difference? They are much smaller and don't have as much red..

God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into its nest.
  ~J.G. Holland


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Perhaps you did not know also that a group of Robins is called a worm

Nancy Chan said...

Now I see the difference. Cute birds. Have a wonderful weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, I knew that. And there are several species of thrushes/robins in USA...tbis is called the American robin.

Pretty photos.

Ann said...

It's always a pleasure to see the robins return each year. I didn't know they aren't really robins though. I knew they looked different in other parts of the world.

Rose said...

They are both pretty!

Sandi said...

I did not know that about the robin!

Love the quote.

Reanaclaire said...

Cute little birds there, Ginny, you are so observant!

George said...

You got some great portraits of the 'robin'.

The Feminine Energy said...

I've been calling my robins "Little Robin Redbreast" since I was a little girl.... so robins there are, at least to me. :-) Those other birds (European "robins) look like finches of some sort, don't they. American robins look hearty and much more beautiful. *wink* Love, Andrea xoxo

Little Robin Redbreast

Sat upon a tree;

Up went Pussy-cat,

Down went he.

Down came Pussy-cat,

And away Robin ran;

Says little Robin Redbreast

“Catch me if you can.”

Little Robin Redbreast

Hopped upon a wall;

Pussy-cat jumped after him,

And almost got a fall.

Little Robin chirped and sang,

And what did Pussy say?

Pussy-cat said “Mew,”

and Robin flew away.

Source: The Golden Book of Poetry (1947)

Chatty Crone said...

I had no idea they were not real red robins. :( They are pretty though.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am anxiously waiting forth return of the Robins over here.Should be any day now.

DeniseinVA said...

I learned something new here about our American Robins. Thanks for sharing these pretty photos and info Ginny. The European Robin, I didn't know that about it either.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...