Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Dead Tree

The other day, we came upon a cemetery that was new to me. It had a lovely view. But what interested me was this tombstone that was made to look like a tree trunk.

“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.
Henry L. Doherty


Nancy Chan said...

This tree trunk makes a very unusual tombstone.

Ann said...

WOW, I've never seen one like that. How unique and beautiful

Natalia said...

Wow, I have never seen anything like that, so creative.I like to visit cementeries,even though it is sad, I especially love those really old ones. You asked where I am from - I live in Poland☺ I am following, have a lovely weekend ☺

Sandi said...

Intriguing. I wonder why a tree trunk.

Rose said...

I have seen a few like that...I love your quote. It makes a person think.

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE that quote.
Hey I have never ever seen a tombstone like that - it is unusual - not sure if it is for me or not.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My first ever tree trunk monument and I have visited many cemeteries. I do love angels and have seen a lot of those. this is a beautiful place to be laid to rest. I am sure that tree trunk has a personal meaning for someone

Tamago said...

I've never seen a tombstone looking like a tree trunk. It's unique and lovely.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful cemetery and I have never seen that kind of tombstone before, so very interesting. Symbolic of something I would think, to the person who was laid to rest.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my goodness, Ginny.... I absolutely LOVE that tree tombstone! It would surely get vandalized in our local cemetery tho, I'm sad to say. :-( I would love to be buried in a tiny little country cemetery... the kind that are practically in people's back yard. They always look so peaceful to me. This cemetery does too. Love, Andrea xoxo

George said...

I haven't seen anything quite like this. What a great find!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is actually kind of neat.

A Trip to The Vet

 My photos were taken from the T,V. and the quality is awful, but I just could not resist posting this story. In Turkey, a mother dog carrie...