Friday, May 24, 2019

The Babies

Robins built a nest right outside our living room window. They hatched and raised babies, and we had a front row seat! Unfortunately they were on the other side of double glass panes. I did my best to edit the pictures so they would show up better. So here is their journey!

I heard the sweet voice of a robin,
      High up in the maple tree,
      Joyously, singing his happy song
      To his feathered mate, in glee!...
If we could be like this tiny bird,
      Just living from day to day,
      Holding no bitterness in our hearts
      For those we meet on our way...

~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham


Nancy Chan said...

Great photos of the robin and the babies. Mother bird must be busy feeding her hungry babies.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amazing that you got them so clear through the window. so sweet, so precious... i bet they were making noise

Ann said...

These are wonderful. How awesome to have a front row seat to watch them. The robins used to build a nest in a bush right next to my front door. One year a cat found it and they haven't built there since. It was always so fun to watch the progress of the nest

George said...

You did a great job capturing the action in the nest. I hope you can see them when they begin trying to fly.

Inger said...

I love these, how great that they were just in your view. I have one too, but it is not right in front of my window. House finches live there. You did a great job capturing the babies, love the last one picture where they all seem to be taking a nap.

photowannabe said...

Terrific photos Ginny.
You certainly had a great front row seat.
I love their open beaks begging to be fed.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny I think that situation and your photos are awesome - you did get a front row seat!

Ruth Hiebert said...

What a privilege to be able to watch this process from the comfort of your home!

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh Ginny, what beautiful pictures.... through the pane or not. Wildlife wonderfulness in all its glory! Have a grand Memorial Day. Love, Andrea xoxo

The Feminine Energy said...

PS~ Here are the links to a couple online articles about the 5G network being installed. I thought you'd like to read them. ~ Andrea xoxo

Rose said...

How wonderful to be able to view from your living room! Have you held your camera right up against the window? That helps....and that hint was given to me by Sandra.

Tamago said...

Oh wow, it’s so precious you got to see them from nest building to babies. Your photos are wonderful and the babies are so cute! I hope they will grow healthy :-)

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet photos and a lovely poem.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...