Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Funny Encounter

In the parking lot of Aldi's, we happened to park next to this car.

As I looked closer, it appeared that the entire car had been "wallpapered"!

This is the car handle. See how nicely it is done.

I had never seen anything like it. On the way out with our groceries, the owner of the car was putting his purchases inside! What luck! Turns out he is a travelling stand-up comedian. His name is Elvis Mujic. He has traveled to 47 states, performing for homeless shelters, detention centers, and mental health facilities. A strange and memorable encounter. He gave me these stickers.

loyal friend laughs at your jokes
when they're not so good,
and sympathizes with your problems
when they're not so bad.


Ann said...

Well you couldn't miss that car driving down the street. Whoever did the work did a good job, those handles look perfect. Nice that you had the opportunity to talk to him and find out what his story was. He sounds like a kind soul, performing at the places he does

Nancy Chan said...

You sure come across so many interesting things. I really enjoy visiting your blog because there is always something funny or outstanding like this wall papered car. May God bless him in his good deed.

Sandi said...

Wow...I predict this guy gets LOTS of attention!

George said...

That car mst get a lot of attention, but I'm sure the owner deserves the attention for the good work he is doing.

LV said...

I could go all over Fort Worth and never find interesting and unique things as you do.

Natalia said...

Wow,this car is so unique☺

DeniseinVA said...

That’s really something. Great find Ginny :)

DeniseinVA said...

Also thought how he must be amazingly kind to do what he does.

Tamago said...

Those are funny looking stickers. It's wonderful he travels around to perform at homeless shelters, etc.

Inger said...

How great that you happened upon the owner of that fun car. You will remember that encounter for a long time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! That's quite the vehicle.

photowannabe said...

Quite a vehicle and quite a man...doing what he is doing.
Fascinating car too.

Rose said...

What a strange encounter...but like you say, lucky. It is interesting to know the story behind this.

Chatty Crone said...

If I lived another 100 years I would never have thought to wall paper my car - interesting. LOVE IT!

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