Monday, June 24, 2019

Head Over Heels

Look who is in our car yesterday! We took the girls to a new trampoline park. We had a day of fun.

We drove through the mountains.

The trampoline park had a homemade ice-cream parlour, so that was first.

Anne Marie is such a good big sister. She gave up her own jumping time to help her sisters!

The swings & foam pits were especially fun!

They went head over heels in love.

Afterward we went to McDonalds

Then to Krispy Kreme donuts. They had their hot donut light on! The end of a perfect day! Well, not quite yet. Wait till you see the sunset on my next post!!!

“I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God.
Psalm 9


Rose said...

So glad you were having fun...I was beginning to wonder when there was no post. I hope you enjoy the book half as much as I did...I have read it numerous times. I have it in paperback and also on the kindle!

LV said...

The world would be a much better place, if more families spent time like this.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can imagine how much fun the girls had and you had fun just watching them.

Buttercup said...

What a fun day! Love to join you for the ice cream stop.

Chatty Crone said...

If I was younger I would have jumped in too!

Natalia said...

The girls ate so incredibly cute, it seems they had a lot of fun!☺

Nancy Chan said...

Such a wonderful and beautiful time spent with the girls. So nice to see the smiles and the kids having so much fun.

Hootin Anni said...

Busy, but so fun.

I could go for the ice cream and a fish filet. Without tumbling on the game equipment 'cause I'd lose my lunch!!

Looking forward to your sunsets!

Ann said...

What a fun day. Would you believe I have never had a Krispy Kreme donut? Being that I work in a bakery that makes donuts I refuse to eat

crafty cat corner said...

Home made ice cream and Mcdonalds? can I come next time?
Mcdonalds is my first choice for eating out,I love it. lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sounds like a wonderful day, i see Anne Marie is really good on the trampoline, she is such a beautiful and sweet girl... your little girls are happy as clams. ha ha. who knows how happy a clam can be

George said...

It sounds like a perfect day!

Tamago said...

What a fun day you had with your granddaughters!
Anne Marie is really a good big sister helping her little sisters. Love head over heels shots!
Mmm...I love krispy kreme doughnuts :-)

P.S. I love air fryer! It can cook many things for my kitties without oil :-)

photowannabe said...

What a fantastic day you had....there is nothing like doing things together with your Grands and family.
It makes one's heart sing, just like your verse says.
Your lovies had the best Sugar Rush ever...homemade ice cream, McDonalds and Krispy Kreme...
Those were the days when I could do that too.

Inger said...

Grandkids are the best and this post made me wish I had some of my own. This looks like such a fun day for all of you.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, this post is joyful! Look at those sweet smiling faces :) I will be leaving smiling too. And to top it off, homemade ice cream, a trip to McDonalds and Krispy Kreme. Yum! Thank you for sharing this special day. You are the greatest grandparents:)))

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh Ginny, what a glorious day!!!!!!!!! I smiled throughout reading your whole post. Love, Andrea xoxo

LC said...

Ginny, Those precious girls have grown so much in the time I've missed blogging. What a wonderful outing for you all!

Carla from The River said...

I just love the adventures you have with your grandkids.
I have never had a Krispy Kreme.. can you believe it!

Azka Kamil said...

nice article my friend..
please visit my blog too


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