Friday, June 14, 2019

Pink Lemons

Look what I found in the grocery store! I bought an entire bag! Pink lemonade, anyone? So called Pink Lemons were discovered on an ordinary lemon tree in Burbank California in 1931. They are small, with a thin rind that’s striped green and cream. As it ripens, the faint pink blush pulp turns deeper pink. It has a tart, acidic lemony flavor with subtle floral and berry undertones. While the pulp is indeed pink, the juices are not pink. Occasionally, you may get a bit of a pink blush but it is not prominent.

“When life gives you lemons don't make lemonade, make pink lemonade. Be unique.”
Wanda Sykes


DeniseinVA said...

These are very interesting, I have never seen them in the store here, not yet anyhow. Do you like the flavor better than a regular lemon?

crafty cat corner said...

I have never seen one of these over here, they look pretty.

Nancy Chan said...

Very interesting. I like lemons with thin rind. I have a few lemon plants but no flowers, no fruits for many years.

Ann said...

Well isn't that interesting. I'm assuming since they were found on an ordinary lemon tree that some kind of cross pollination happened whether it was on purpose or by accident

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not know there is such a fruit. never seen or heard of them. we had a pink grapefruit tree. i love lemons and lemonade...they are even pretty in their skin.. the skin i mean.... lemons are so expensive here..

Sandi said...

I had no idea!

George said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as a pink lemon. Thanks for the education.

Hootin Anni said...

Well, I Never!!! All news to me. The flesh is kinda watermwlon-y & the fruit looks like grapefruit.

Chatty Crone said...

“When life gives you lemons don't make lemonade, make pink lemonade. Be unique.”
I just love that!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I've never heard of or seen a pink lemon. I must keep my eyes open for these.

Inger said...

I wonder why it decided to go pink. In Burbank of all places....

Tamago said...

I have never seen pink lemon before! Very unique looking with striped rind! It looks like pink grapefruit inside. I hope you enjoyed them :-)

Rose said...

I did not know they actually existed...another thing learned while blogging!


 Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...