Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Straight Lines

Just a few hours ago, we sat in the car and watched this sunset. Maybe not one of the best I've seen, but it has the most straight lines.

See the plane above the light pole?

“God’s business is putting things right; he loves getting the lines straight, Setting us straight. Once we’re standing tall, we can look him straight in the eye.
Psalm 11


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I think every sunset is special as they are all different Ginny

Ann said...

I think it's lovely. The golden glow it gives to the sky is quite amazing

Natalia said...

Wow, it is stunning ☺☺

Hootin Anni said...

Super. There just CAN'T be anything wrong with sunset (or sunrise) settings. IMHO

Nancy Chan said...

Love your stunning sunset pictures. I must also look out for sunsets.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you and your zoom got a great shot of the plane. i love the first photo, so beautiful...

Shug said...

Another gorgeous sunset. It's the small things in life that we need to bask in, like sitting and waiting on a sunset or even a sunrise. Thanks for sharing...

Rose said...

I doubt they come much better than this...these are gorgeous!

Ruth Hiebert said...

It's a beautiful sunset. I like the distinct lines.

Tamago said...

What a gorgeous sunset! Those lines are really straight, like drawn using a ruler :-)

Anonymous said...
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Inger said...

You guys have the best sunsets!

Chatty Crone said...


Reanaclaire said...

Indeed God is very creative... He makes everything look beautiful in the sky!

George said...

The colors in the sky are beautiful.

Iwona said...

So amazing photos :)

DeniseinVA said...

Those skies are glorious.


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