Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Birthday

Our Son Mike's birthday is just before Christmas. He turned 49 this year! Here I am with him. What did we get him? He wanted a gift card to Amazon, and we all ate out..

And here I am with our three granddaughters.

Then I asked them to take a picture of Phil & I for our 50th anniversary.

Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that'll get you home earlier.
 ~Dan Bennett


DeniseinVA said...

Lovely photos of you and your sweet family. Anne Marie has gotten so tall and you have three beautiful granddaughters.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Love your red blouse. red is one of my favorite colors Sis. great 50th anniversary photo. your son and his girls are so handsome/beautiful. Has he hired a body guard to beat the boys off Ann Marie? ha ha.. Feb will make my son David a senior. he will be 55 and his brother 53, that means I AM OLD.

Anni said...

This family album post is terrific Ginny! Love 'em all.

George said...

A belated happy birthday to Mike. Anne Marie is now as tall as you, and is a beautiful young lady.

Buttercup said...

Love seeing your family pictures. Your granddaughters are lovely. It would have been fun to go shopping together. I'm keeping my eye on the pink coat and will stop by -- Nordstroms's is a fifteen minute walk from my gym! -- to see if it's marked down sometime.

Tamago said...

Beautiful family photos! Wow your granddaughters are growing up! I love the quote and yes, I would choose the one that gets me home earlier :-)

photowannabe said...

I really love the photos of your granddaughters. They are lovely. You can tell that they love each other and you as well.
Great photo for your 50th too.
Red becomes you.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You have a lovely family.A great picture of you and Phil as well.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday to your son. Love all the pictures. Anne Marie looks so grown up now.

L. D. said...

Beautiful grand daughters. Our oldest son is 44 but he started his family late in life.

Chatty Crone said...

You have a beautiful family - your one granddaughter is taller than you.
Happy anniversary - happy birthday to your son. Happy New year. Not sure I understood the quote tho.

Rose said...

Anne Marie is so big now! I cannot believe how tall she is. They are all so pretty...

A Small Reprieve Amid The Ice

 Well, won't believe it. Tomorrow, on the very day my stress test is scheduled, we are to have a big sleet and ice storm! So ...