Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Men In The Iron Masks

We went to the annual "Art For Gifts" today. It is in a museum, and local artists make their crafts so we can buy them for Christmas gifts.

 These were hanging in one section. I did not buy anything, I usually just go to take pictures and look around.

The prices - about $175.00 each.

The daytime half moon was so pretty.


Chatty Crone said...

$175!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW
Love the last quote.

Nancy Chan said...

Very creative but very expensive. Pretty half moon.

Ann said...

Wll I find the masks very clever and creative but they aren't something I would want hanging in my home and I would never pay $175 for one. I'm far too cheap for

Hootin Anni said...

What on earth would you do with these? I am now wondering if ANYONE bought them...hang 'em in a crawl space to keep the cockroaches away? Or raccoons? (Hint: Mad Snapper)

Rose said...

Loving Anni's comment!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with Anni, it would take a special room or décor to hang these. not my style but I am sure there are some that love them. they are really art and so creative... to pricey for me but actually, I see things that people put in their yards that cost this much at home depot.... and not so pricey when we consider the talent it took...

Shug said...

so many people have such artistic abilities. These are all cute and I could see them hanging on my back fence. But....175. maybe not. lol. Have a great Friday Ginny....

LC said...

Not my style or price either, but I do have a turtle made out of a small cast-iron skillet and living by our carport. I can't remember what his feet were. Now I have go look when we return home. I sure do like seeing these and other unusual creations that appear on your blog!

Tamago said...

They are very cute! Though the price is not, haha.
I love those beautiful photos of daytime half moon. And the quote is very true!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those are unique crafts, but I would have left them there as well. Not my style.

George said...

The iron masks were inteesting but not for the price that was being asked!

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...