Sunday, December 8, 2019

Fa La La Llama

Llamas are all the rage now, along with sloths. You can find these animals on mugs, clothes, pretty much everywhere. I can't resist an alpaca, which are almost the same as llamas. We used to have many around here, and I have posted pictures of them. Here are some close to here. How can you resist?

This is a Christmas one in a neighboring yard! 

AND it lights up at night!

I have them on a couple shelves in the kitchen. I found the llama for half price.

The mug on the right I got for a dollar, and the other one was about three dollars.

A mini manicure set! I bought one for a gift and one for myself.

And I found this cozy velour hoodie at Wal-Mart for ten dollars. 


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

it will never replace the reindeer at Christmas time

Hootin Anni said...

I have seen them everywhere too. You have a great llama collection going in your home. (Those dyed pink are pretty cool too)

Ann said...

Yes, I've seen llamas all over the place. I think they are much cuter than sloths. You've got a nice collection of them. I like the hoodie. The llama on the shelf with the presents on his back is adorable

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have seen no llamas here, not even in Walmart.. I agree with ann, they are cuter than sloths. until I got the sloth fancy pants I had no idea they were out there either. I did not look at the warm jackets so it might be there. we don't wear jackets more than 5 days a year, and I have a sweater for that... those llamas are adorable, their faces just make me feel happy

George said...

I didn't realize llamas were so popular. You've got quite a collection.

Lois said...

I have always loved llamas!

Rose said...

Their eyes woukd win me over, if nothing else. I love the Christmas one...

photowannabe said...

I love the faces of sweet...they seem like they are always smiling.
To answer your question on my blog...
No, granddaughter didn't take that photo, though she is an accomplished photographer...20 years old now...
The cemetery is the National Cemetery at the San Francisco Presidio. Both of her Great Grandparents are buried there.

Ruth Hiebert said...

They are so cute. I know that they are the latest trend as that is what my Granddaughter loves.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny you are right Llama are everywhere - and they are depicted cute. So why did your areas have llamas around and are they there anymore? They were pretty.

Nancy Chan said...

These are so cute! I like how the ones in your blog header look like. I like and have been following the advice from the Llama. Have a fabulous day!

Tamago said...

Llamas are adorable and I love them! The Christmas llama in your neighborhood is lovely. Beautifully lit in the night! And you've found lots of cute llama items. I have llama blanket which was a gift :-)

Pink Rose said...

Hi Ginny love you pics and how cute are those Llamas,they look very cuddly xx

Carla from The River said...

Hi Ginny,
So much fun!! I love this post. I have a llama candy count down to Christmas this year. ;-)
I like the advice from a llama.
The December full moon is on my birthday this year, 12/12!
Can not wait to see your photos!

LC said...

Loved the thorough llama update! My only personal llama experience was when I was babysitting a neighbor's preschool son. I took him to our local small-town zoo. My 4-year-old charge poked his fingers at a llama lying against the fence. The highly offended animal stared haughtily then spit at him. The youngster jumped back. The rest of the visit he looked but didn't try to touch.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...