Monday, December 2, 2019

Inside The Festival

Walking inside, there was this gas lit fire by the entrance.

Once in the foyer, this greeted us.

The craft stands were crowded, and there was lots of variety.

There were enormous chimes!

I'm not really sure what these were, but they were cute.

This stand had all sizes of cutting boards.

They had various air plants hanging up in little shells.

Warm homemade donuts in chocolate, vanilla, & maple. FREE! As many as you could eat.

These iron benches were for sitting and resting. They were very heavy and beautiful. And cost hundreds of dollars.

I am saving the actual poinsettias for my next post. There were several varieties that I had never seen before!

After exercising I always eat donuts. Just kidding! I don’t exercise.


Pink Rose said...

Hi Ginny what a fun loving post ,you got to see lots of beautiful things,Thankyou for sharing them with us xx

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I lovely that seat with the sunflowers on it Ginny.

Hootin Anni said...

Roflmao on the quote!

Oh my oh my that wind chime (the last one) would drive all the dogs in the neighborhood insane, wouldn't it?

Ann said...

So many wonderful things to see. I would have loved to walk through there. I think I would have broke down and had a donut or two also. That bench is beautiful. Sure wish I could hear those wind chimes. I bet they sounded amazing.

Nancy Chan said...

A place I would like to visit and look at all those interesting things. I can see poinsettias in different colours. Yummy doughnuts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

air plants are free here, just pick them up out in our yard... I love the bench. I do love sunflowers. looks like a fun fair and lots to see...

Rose said...

I would love one of those benches.

LV said...

I seldom buy things, but enjoy going to places like this.

Tamago said...

I love those Christmas trees. The white ones look like a dress! I also love plants in the shells. They are beautiful!
LOL I don't exercise, either, but I always eat doughnuts :-)

photowannabe said...

Oh, what a fun event. Free donuts!!! Nice...
I love that iron bench. It sure would look great in our yard.
Can't wait to see the flowers in your next post.

Chatty Crone said...

Is this a Christmas Festival?? I watch Hallmark all the time and they all have Christmas Festivals - we don't have them here.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful. Those doughnuts look so good.

Anne said...

Beautiful and very festive! The donuts look delicious!! Wish I could have one> :)

LC said...

Loved the virtual tour punctuated with the "Just kidding" statement!

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...