Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sunday Sunset

This sunset is from January 2012. Gosh, it doesn't seem near that long, maybe I mis-labeled it? I think we had gone to Dairy Queen and watched it eating ice-cream. In order.

What sticks in my mind about this particular sunset is how quickly the colors completely changed.

“Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos.”
 ~Don Kardong


Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful sunset. It is nice to watch the changing colours of the sky as you enjoy your ice cream.

Reanaclaire said...

Hi Ginny! Long time I did not come by, so sorry about that.. lots of going on... and as usual, you always capture the best shots!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are all spectacular! I often am shocked at how much time has gone by since something happened. I blog about everything and I just checked a couple of weeks ago to see how long I have had my laptop,tablet and phone. I got them in the same year about 2 months apart... totally shocked it is over 3 years.

Hootin Anni said...

Extraordinary Ginny!!

Rose said...

Watching the Master at work!

Sandi said...

Ooh...gorgeous hues!

And that quote at the end is SO TRUE.

George said...

It doesn't reall matter when you captured this photo sequence. The sunset -- and your pictures -- is beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

There no no words to do that beauty justice.

Linda said...

That is an incredibly beautiful sunset! I'm happy you keep all your photos!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is an amazing series. Love all the color changes.

Ann said...

WOW, stunning from start to finish. It's amazing how many different colors you get from one sunset

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow! These are spectacular.

Buttercup said...

So beautiful. I don't think you saw my comment a few weeks ago. You were the winner of my 2000th comment giveaway. Please send me your address and I will send out your surprise win.

Tamago said...

What an amazing sunset. The changes of colors are breathtaking! You take the most incredible sunset photos (and moon shots as well)!

Natalia said...

Wow, the photos are amazing!!!

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful sky! It seems like you have captured all those beautiful colors I love to see. Stunning photos Ginny :)

NanaDiana said...

Beautiful, Ginny. I found your blog through Anna's Snap Chat. God paints beautiful pictures! I am your newest follower. Hugs- Diana

NanaDiana said...

Hey Ginny- Thank you for the wonderful comment on my blog. Do you have a regular email addy I can reply to though? You come through as a NoReply. I promise not to spam you or sell it to foreign countries. lol My direct email is
Thanks- Looking forward to getting to know you better! Hugs- Diana

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