Friday, December 27, 2019


Yesterday we got together with Phil's brother Dave and his wife. They were passing through and we had lunch with them. A good visit! Here we all are.

Here are Phil's brother and his wife Kathleen.

And here are Phil & his brother Dave.

Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.
 ~Susan Scarf Merrell


Ruth Hiebert said...

It's always good to connect with family.

Hootin Anni said...

They look like they're related for sure!

Natalia said...

Family is so important, beautiful pictures☺

Nancy Chan said...

The resemblance is very close. Great to meet up together. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy New Year.

Ann said...

You can definitely see the family resemblance. They look a lot alike. Good that you were able to visit with them.

George said...

It's wonderful the brothers could get together for a visit.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wondering where they live, since you said passing through. close or a far distance.. the do look like brothers.. so glad you got to see them. love your leggings.. you look great. and the closeup of his brother and wife is really good of both of them. they should frame that one.

DawnTreader said...

How nice that you were able to get together :)

Chatty Crone said...

Boy it was nice to get together I am sure and do they look alike!!!!!!!!!!!

L. D. said...

I miss not having my brothers nearby. It is good they stopped and you all caught up on things.

Shug said...

such a gorgeous visits are the best....

Rose said...

I think they look alike, too...and look like such pleasant people...


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