Sunday, January 10, 2021

One Step At A Time

I saw these stairways on the web. To quote the old Led Zeppelin song, I think some of them could be the stairway to Heaven if you try to climb them. Would you dare climb any of these, and if so, which one?                                                         This one is a slide!

Just plain dangerous.

This one is complex, but at least it has railings.

Just weird, and trying to trick the eye.

This one MAY be the safest of the bunch. It does have a railing, though it is kind of hidden.

You've got to be kidding!

These seem to go nowhere, and just exist for a challenge.

There would be no way to finish this one without hanging upside down.

You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


CheerfulMonk said...

I don’t climb any stairs that don’t have a railing, and I’m even more cautious walking down them. 🙂

Nancy Chan said...

So many types of stairways. I wouldn't want to use anyone of those stairways because I think my legs will turn to jelly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never seen anything like these! I like the one that's looks kind of like a basket and I don't do hate so most of them I would not even try the ones without railings I wouldn't even stand under them and look at them. I'm beyond stairs maybe 10 regular stairs very slowly but these are truly awesome looking

Reanaclaire said...

Wow.. spiral stairs, I have experienced going up these before, must be careful as they can be quite narrow and winding.. hahaha..

Ann said...

I wouldn't mind climbing any of the ones that have a railing but the ones without one forget it. Those last two are simply fascinating.
I liked your idea for my plan for the day off.

Ella said...

Stairways ... when you get old you have the feeling that they are getting longer! LOL

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Ooh they make me dizzy just looking at the pictures.

Martha said...

These are crazy! I probably wouldn't want to climb any of them these days. No that I'm older I get vertigo just using a step ladder!

George said...

I think I will just enjoy the view as far as these staircases are concerned.

Hootin Anni said...

Insane. Nope, nope, nope. None for me.

Miss Kim said...

What fabulous finds!!

Chatty Crone said...

This was an interesting post - I had no idea they existed. So I can't climb anymore - but it the top of the first one that goes round and round was a slide I would go down it if someone got me up! lol. The ones on the mountain - no.

DeniseinVA said...

Fascinating designs. If I chose any of them I would choose the one with the stairs up and slide down.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

My question.....


photowannabe said...

Hmmm...actually none of them...thank you.
Of course that first one could be fun coming down..HaHa.

Sandi said...


Tamago said...

Wow, all there are interesting and artistic! I would climb ones with railings. But not the ones without...too scary! Slider looks fun :-)

Rose said...

If it don't have a rail, I am climbing it. Some of these I don't know if I would have done when I was younger.

Mari said...

Oh my! I'm not a fan of heights so most of these would freak me out, with no rails or weird steps. I do think the slide is pretty cool though!

Ruth Hiebert said...

As interesting as these staircases look, I will leave them for someone else to climb. I rarely even go into the basement in my house. Stairs and I don’t get along really well.

Shug said...

So neat....but I must admit, my hands and feet were tingling as I viewed some of the steps... I'm scared of heights and some of these would have me panicked....

Carla from The River said...

Yikes.. I have to be honest Ginny, I am no good at stairs.
I will have to stay on the ground level. Hee Hee.

Jeanette said...

Oh my goodness! I think I'll pass on all of those!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh dear! No thanks on most of those, although they are interesting. These remind me of that new outdoor interactive sculpture in New York City called The Vessel. I saw it from afar when we were there in 2019. xoxo

L. D. said...

It is neat to see these.

Ida said...

Wow those were some amazing stairs. I really enjoyed seeing all of them. I hate climbing stairs though as they hurt my knees going up, going down isn't as bad.

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