Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Horse Barns

 I like this yellow and red beauty. What else makes it unusual is that it sits at the very edge of a cemetary.

This one is not as colorful or modern, but I love it's rustic beauty.

I think he wishes one of these was his home.

The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire.

  ~Sharon Ralls Lemon


CheerfulMonk said...

It's amazing how much those horses add to the appeal of the barns. I love the picture of the real horse, too. I was crazy about horses when I was a kid...does it show? 🙂

The Feminine Energy said...

I love old barns... and I love cemeteries which are right next to private residences. On the way to our oldest daughter's house, we pass a home that's got a beautiful cemetery "in its backyard". I told hubby I'd LOVE to live next to that cemetery. It's so peaceful-looking and well-kept. Those who are sleeping-in-death make the best neighbors, I'd imagine! :) ~Andrea xoxo

Nancy Chan said...

Nice colourful barns. We rarely see horses except the race horses.

DeniseinVA said...

The red one is pretty but there is something about these old rustic barns that is beautiful. Love the horse, both real and in art form. Old cemeteries, when I was young I would not have found them as peaceful as I do now. I can also see the history in them.

Hootin Anni said...

Barns are something I never think of photographing. But these are great. My favorite tho, is the live horse AND the quote.

Ella said...

Horses are very beautiful animals and so is this barn!
I also like the quote.

Ann said...

That first one looks pretty fancy. I like the horses and star on the side of the other. I wonder which of these barns that horse would choose.

Rose said...

I am still crazy about the barns.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the natural color barn better than the painted. the barn looks green and red, matches the grass, you said yellow and red.. i like the green grass match but don't think i would like it if yellow... love the horses, all of them

George said...

I'm surprised that the colored barn is so close to the cemetery. I wonder which was there first?

Inger said...

That one by the cemetery, what a great find. Old barns are so interesting, I always wonder who lived there, who the farmer was and how their lives were.

Jeanette said...

I like both of them but am partial to the yellow and red one! It's interesting that it sits right on the edge of a cemetery! You don't see that too often!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The yellow and red is an interesting combination .

Claudine/canelle said...

Une belle maison pour ces chevaux , j'aime beaucoup !

Chatty Crone said...

I have seen the star on barns before - but the horses are new to me.

Linda said...

I love the way you do your blog header and backgrounds! You are so creative!

Martha said...

I love them both, but the first is my favorite!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yes, your quote is perfect...I felt all of those when I rode as a kid..freedom

Mari said...

I like barns and cemeteries - and you've got both!

Carla from The River said...

I like the barn next to the cemetery. I also like your quote. :-)

Jenny the Pirate said...

A barn next to a cemetery ... love it! I have seen that in Amish country, Lancaster County, PA. These barns are gorgeous. It is a dream of mine to photograph the black tobacco barns in Kentucky. xoxo

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