Sunday, August 22, 2021

Once In A Very Blue Moon

 This weekend there was a rare Seasonal Blue Moom. And I was there with my camera when it rose!

It was huge and orange! A seasonal Blue Moon is different from the regular ones. It is when a season has four full moons instead of three, and it is the third one.

This only happens once every two or three years. Oh, and if you were expecting an actual blue moon, here you go! Edited, of course...

There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.

George Carlin


Angie's Recipes said...

wow...spectacular! What kind of lens did you use for those shots?

Nancy Chan said...

As always, your moon shots are stunning! From orange moon to a blue moon. Amazing!

Linda said...

You are amazing!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love your moon pictures! 😊

babYpose said...

Beautiful captured. It rose amazingly.

Amy said...

I've never seen a blue or orange moon, we try but there always seems to be too many clouds.

Hootin Anni said...

That first one is a true winner!!

Ann said...

Amazing photos. I walked out to my car Sunday morning to go to work and thought of you when I saw the moon in the sky

Chatty Crone said...

Is it like some years have 366 days? Interesting - I had no idea that was even counted. Beautiful photos tho.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great pictures. Due to lingering smoke, the moon looked more orange than blue over here. of course I never really expected it to be blue.

DeniseinVA said...

These photos are really something Ginny, you take the best moon shots.

Latane Barton said...

At least you got your blue moon, one way or another!!

The Feminine Energy said...

Pretty pictures, Ginny. We saw it too as there wasn't a cloud in the sky. No pictures though, which is odd as youngest daughter always takes pictures. Oh well, we'll just enjoy your beautiful ones! Thank you for them too! ~Andrea xoxoxo

Hena Tayeb said...

Wow.. such spectacular photos you managed to take.

Inger said...

Even I captured the moon, this with my phone, but I think it was because it was smoky. You are just fantastic at capturing the moon in all its glory. Thank you for these beautiful pictures.

Shug said...

Oh how beautiful. You really got some great shots and even though it's not really Blue, I love that deep orange color...Thanks for sharing.

Sandi said...

Do da do do do, blue moooon....

Mari said...

Wow! Beautiful photos!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Gorgeous in any color, Ginny! What great captures! And now I will be singing Blue Moon in my head! I love that song. xoxo

Red Rose Alley said...

Wow, these moon photos are cool. I really like that first one coming up slowly with the sunrise. And I LOVE that quote. Will have to write that one down. : )


My Tata's Cottage said...

I sure love seeing the moon. So beautiful. Enjoy the week.

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