The city put this man out to warn of road work coming up. He is made of the road work barrels, so cute!
A person
often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
Jean de
La Fontaine
We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...
agreee with Annie on the AWESOME! i love it and someone is a great artist and truly talented, it sure would grab attention and warn people. even your roadsigns are ART
What a great 'Road Work' warning. I hope he helps keep the workers safe.
Would be hard to ignore and pretend you hadn't notice that one... LOL
We have so much road work going on in Michigan during the summer months that we are trying to get the road work barrel to be the new state bird!
Wow! That’s really cool.
Absolutely darling!!! The added effort can make all the difference in the world! ~Andrea xoxoxo
I love it! It's so friendly.
Oh he is cute. I think they need him here on my road while they are doing the gas line work.
That is sure to catch your attention.
I love this! Bet this makes people smile a bit!
Do you live in a town that is known for artists? We have nothing like that here.
Wow, what a delightful gesture that was for the city to put out to let people know of the road work being done. That road man is something else! Very clever. The road quote is so true. We often see many interesting things when we're on the road less traveled. That's why I love taking drives in the country. ; ) Have a good week, my friend.
What a cute attention getter...
Love that clever use of the barrels.
Pretty cute!
You have some very imaginative people, in your area!
I don't know what the little yellow flowers are at the creek. It was just a small area that looked like wildflowers. When I got a close-up of them, they were even prettier. The petunias are at the little drive-in up the street, and I loved the painted red brick flower bed they were planted in. : )
I like that guy! We should give him a name.
People have such talent and creativity. A great way to get a traveler’s attention.
Well at least if you have to endure road work, it's good to see that someone has a sense of humor! xoxo
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