Here is this year's Valentine photo of our granddaughters and their dog Vivian. Anne Marie is 15 now, and learning to drive.
Grandmas are moms
with lots of frosting.
~Author unknown
It is a St. Patrick's Day fashion competition! The competitors are the Big Cat and the Big Cow! First up is the Big Cat. Next up is the...
Are you kidding me???? I have watched her grow up here and I can't believe she's already 15!! Such beautiful GRAND children!!!
Beautiful 3 lovely models from a teen magazine!!
All three are such beautiful girls. Make that 4. I forgot Vivian :). I can remember when Anne Marie was just a little thing.
Your grand daughters are all beautiful, including Vivian too. Happy Valentines Day to you.
That is, indeed, a grand photo. Such cute granddaughters you have, Ginny. And oh my, learning to drive. I remember that well, as I was mostly the one teaching our son. I was glad when it was over. Their dog is so cute with the Valentine bandana wrapped around her neck. This is a treasured photo to keep always.
Beautiful girls and cute dog. What a sweet photo! I like the quote
they make a perfect and beautiful valentine card. Ann Marie is so grown up now and so beautiful and I can't believe she is old enough to drive. time is moving to fast
Your granddaughters are so cute...Anne Marie is turing into a beautiful young woman.
Look at those sweet girls! What beauties they are!
Wow your granddaughters are getting big and beautiful!
The girls are growing like weeds before our very eyes, Ginny! And Anne Marie is learning to drive now??!! Lordy! Stop, time.... STOP!! :-D ~Andrea xoxo
Your three granddaughters are lovely and so is their dog. I they must bring you so much joy.
I've sort of become an adopted grandma to my two great-nieces. I absolutely love it. Jasmine will be 18 soon and just got her license and now drives me to appointments in Bakersfield, about 50 miles away.
They are all beautiful. My goodness, how time passes so quickly. Can't believe that Anne Marie is 15 and ready to drive.
As everyone else has said..What lovely granddaughters you have.
Kids grow up so fast...tell them to slow down..Driving already oh my..I do remember those days...
Those girls are growing up so fast. I also have a learning driver in the family now. Kai has become quite good at it.
Such a nice photo! Your granddaughters are beautiful.
How are you feeling lately? Praying those shingles are calming down.
What a beautiful picture of them! And their sweet dog with its Valentine party scarf! Precious. xoxo
Ginny, they are beautiful. I love the heart stockings.
xx oo
This is a lovely photo. The dog is really cute, too wearing the Valentine's Day scarf. The girls are very pretty dressed for Valentines.
😏😏 My Icon is not me! 😏😏
What a great photo Ginny and your grandchildren are beautiful! Hard to believe Anne Marie is learning how to drive already.
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