Friday, February 11, 2022

I've Got Mail

 The mailman came a few hours ago, and we got a small package!

Let's open it!

It's the FREE covid tests that the government has been sending out! They said you would get three tests, but the box says there is five of everything. Does that mean there will be two more boxes? I don't know. This is one thing I hope we never have to use.  Have you ordered and gotten any?


"Not in one single episode of The Walking Dead did I see people fighting over toilet paper."



Conversations will not be cancelled.
Relationships will not be cancelled.
Love will not be cancelled.
Songs will not be cancelled.
Reading will not be cancelled.
Self-care will not be cancelled.
Hope will not be cancelled.
May we lean into the good stuff that remains.

~Jamie Tworkowski


Terra said...

I got one box in the mail with four covid tests in it, for free. Ha ha about Walking Dead and no fights over toilet paper. Yes, lean into the good.

Hootin Anni said...

Got ours a couple weeks ago and never used them. lol

Nancy Chan said...

We are supposed to receive a set too from our Health Ministry but somehow most of my friends received and I don't know if we will be receiving it or it got lost on the way. Lol!

Ann said...

I ordered them when a girl at work told me about them. I figured since they're free why not.

Rose said...

I have ordered but not received them...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when I ordered the 4 free from .gov it said will ship by Jan 20 and here is is Feb 12 and nothing at all. it said 4 tests per address. I did get the email stating they got my order request.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, how I remember when toilet paper was scarce on the shelves. Yes, love and hope still remains. Have a blessed weekend, Ginny.


*here is the recipe for the lasagna soup. She said is was really good. She broke up lasagna noodles since she couldn't find the pasta they mention.

Chatty Crone said...

I got my boxes too. ♥

Martha said...

We got ours too, and I sure hope we won't need to use them. Have a great weekend Ginny!

Jeanette said...

We've ordered but have not received them yet! Hopefully we will never have to use them!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

A gorgeous blog look today.


Think of the cost of all those *free* tests.

Guess who paid for them?

Uncle Joe??????

Nope. All we citizens who work or are retired, and pay taxes.

Did we order? No!!!!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Are you kidding????

Our taxes paid for them!

Just like every other largess, which the Gov. passes out!


Please remember the facts of life, in any Country.

Gov. gives? NOOOOOO, citizens who work/worked, pay!

Yes I am irritated. Because I am so tired of how Gov. has citizens *bamboozled*.


The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, we got ours a couple weeks ago. There is 2 tests per box and I think we got 2 boxes. I put them in the linen closet for if/when we should ever need them. ~Andrea xoxo

Carla from The River said...

Hi Ginny,
I liked your last quote.
xx oo

Ruth Hiebert said...

These tests are good to have around. My son wne to get tested once, but they just gave him a set of home tests. Turns out he had a common cold, but now-a-days we can't be too sure.

Joanne said...

No we haven't, but we still have one test left over from a few months ago. Covid was so prevalent here that it was impossible to get OTC tests anywhere. I was lucky to get a box.
Hope you never have to use your tests.
Blessings, Joanne

photowannabe said...

To answer your question...the almond and plum trees are in our backyard.

Linda said...

We got ours the day after I paid for one from Amazon! Which I didn't need as the results from the test we took the day before came in just after the results on my 15 minute test! AND the Ivermectin I ordered arrived from Singapore AFTER we were well!

LC said...

Really appreciated those closing lines.

DeniseinVA said...

Great quotes! We received two tests a few days ago. Not sure if we are getting any more.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad they came. We haven't ordered any.

Jenny the Pirate said...

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help ..." truly terrifying concept, haahaa ... NOPE no such thing has landed in my mailbox and if it does, they are going straight into the trash. Sorry not sorry. xoxo

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