Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Gingerbread Window

 This is the window of our local toy store, "Pufferbellies".

They have made a scene of the downtown buildings all out of gingerbread! Here is the church.

I don't know how they made these spectacular mini stained-glass windows!

Here is another building.

With a Hershey's Kiss turret.

And a tiny storefront window, which is inside a store window.

·                  Why was the Gingerbread Man robbed?
Because of his dough.


·                  Why did the Gingerbread Man go to the school nurse?
He was feeling crumby.


·                  What does the gingerbread man sleep on?
Cookie sheets.


Nancy Chan said...

Really amazing. All made of gingerbread! So creative. Wishing you speedy recovery.

Hootin Anni said...

Wow these are works of art!!

Ann said...

Wow, these are the most amazing gingerbread houses I have ever seen.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

brahahahaha cookie sheets, love that one. that window is spectaular even if it was empty. the buildings are fantastic. love that church and the shop. it is a beautiful photo, the first one I mean, makes me want to stand out in front of it and stare

Martha said...

These are amazing, I've never seen anything like them before! Love the gingerbread man jokes too lol.

Rose said...

Hiw creative!

The Feminine Energy said...

I am blown away by these pictures, Ginny! How beautiful! To even have a legitimate "toy store" in your town is amazing right there. We haven't had a toy store in my area in decades. With all the wonderful pictures that you post, I want to live in your town!! :) ~Andrea xoxoxo

photowannabe said...

Wow, gingerbread masterpieces. Quite amazing. These would take more patience than I have to make them.
Love the gingerbread funnies at the end, especially the cookie sheets one.

George said...

Someone is really talented. The church is amazing, but all the gingerbread buildings are beautiful.

LC said...

Not only did these photos offer a visit to a "window gallery" of someone's amazing artistry in a medium that is challenging and short-lived. And of course the closing words tickled my embarrassing passion for puns!

Jenny the Pirate said...

How perfectly and utterly charming! My soul! I would love to see that in person. Dagny's jaw would hit the ground. xoxo

Carla from The River said...

AMAZING!!! I would love to see them in person.
Happy to hear you are feeling better... I have missed you!

Sandi said...

That is the most fantastic stained-glass church gingerbread I have ever seen! Ok, it's the only one.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Are you still feeling better?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Love the Gingerbread Houses and those cute stained-glass windows..,

You asked why I don't blog much now. I don't really have one single answer --because there are many reasons... First, I started Facebook --and for me, it's just simpler. I have tons of good friends there and I am able to post things easier and respond easier. Blogging just takes too much time... Because I'm slower now that I'm almost 80 --and just found it tedious trying to answer Blog Posts of friends.. Now that I don't post much, I STILL have about 20 good blog friends. Many people gave up on me and that is okay. Another reason is that we are not traveling nearly as much as we did--so I don't have new things to show as much. I'm sure people got tired of my trip posts, flower posts, etc... I will post when I have been somewhere exciting (like this latest trip). Actually I TRY to post at least once a month--to catch up wiuth friends.. I LOVE Blogging --and miss it sometimes. I get most of my freinds posts via email --so I usually alwasy read those blogs from my emails. I just don't always respond. Another reason is our health situations. Neither of us luckily are having MAJOR health problems --but the ones we do have get us down more now. I keep having LOTS of little health issues (stomach problems, heart problems , Neuropathy problems, etc.)...I recently had a Severe Anemia attack --and had to go to the ER for 17 hours to get a Blood Transfusion. The doctors have still not found out what caused it, but are still trying. SO--life goes on and I'm still trying (with God's help) to stay positive and stay active (as I can). This all started for me in 2018 when I first got A Fib. Now I am finally on a powerful medication for my heart which really helps my A Fib --BUT--that med has a lot of side effects (such as bloating)... I still weigh about 145 --but feel like I'm 160... ha ... Frustrating.... Well---that's my update. Thanks for asking about me. How are you and Phil?

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! Those gingerbread structures are very detailed.

Red Rose Alley said...

A gingerbread church! Have never seen that before. I'm wondering how they did the stained glass windows inside. There are some really artistic people around. What a delightful toy store.

Happy February days, Ginny.


NanaDiana said...

That is amazing and I love the stained glass windows! Wonderful post.
Q: How do Gingerbread Men keep their jackets closed?
A: With ginger snaps.
That's the only one I know. lol. xo Diana

Jeanette said...

Wow! that is a beautiful window and so clever!

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh that is just AWESOME! Do you know how many hours of work that had to take them????

DeniseinVA said...

Wow! I am really impressed with the shop for doing this. Thank you for sharing Ginny, and for those cute quotes :)

L. D. said...

That is an amazing church made from food.

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