Monday, February 28, 2022

The Answer

 Here is the answer to what yesterday's mystery object was.

It is a guinea pig/chinchilla feeder! I never would have figured it out! Quite a few of you suggested a soap holder for the shower. I love this suggestion, and now wish I would have kept it and tried it as a soap holder! You guys are brilliant. Speaking of guinea pigs, I took these shots when we were in the pet store. I think he is so adorable!!

So I guess on my blog, March has not come in like a lion, but like a guinea pig.


Hootin Anni said...

Love the quote (Churchill is one of my idols).

A soap holder huh? I liked my idea of suet feeder for the birds. lol

Ann Thompson said...

I never would have guessed it was a guinea pig feeder. Cute pictures of them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

It does look like a soap holder now that I have read this. i wonder who is missing there piggy feeder and wondering where it went.. I wonder if Churchhill knew that pigs EAT humans also.. saw it in a movie and looked it up. they will eat anything and everything. I WANT to hold this little guy, he is too cute..

Rose said...

I would never have guessed!

Jeanette said...

That is what Amazon told me it was! It could definitely double as a soap holder, too!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Wow that's so clever! And that little guinea pig is all kinds of adorable! xoxo

Chatty Crone said...

I would never have guessed that.
No guinea pigs for me - they smell! lol

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh mercy!!!!! LOL

Hope your appointments went well...

To see why I have Sunflowers as my Sig. Line,
please read my 3/1/22 post.

🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻

photowannabe said...

I too would have never guessed the Piggy feeder. I still think Hootin' Anni's answer about the suet feeder would work too.
Cute little pigs..I can hear them squeak from here.

Red Rose Alley said...

Eeeeeek! I have a dreadful fear of mice and rats, and the guinea pig is right up there with it. I would have never guessed this little contraption was a guinea pig feeder.

Happy March, Ginny!


HappyK said...

Never would have guessed that. The guinea pig is so cute.

Mari said...

He is so cute! I never would have guess that, but then I've never had a guinea pig.

Carla from The River said...

Ha.. well I would never have guessed.
LOVE the quote.

Nancy Chan said...

Thanks for the answer. I would never have guessed the correctly. We had guinea pigs as pets once but later we gave them away to a friend.

DeniseinVA said...

I would never have guessed!!! Great poem and I love the little guinea pigs. My niece had them for many years. They each have their own personality I found. Darling little things.

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