Thursday, November 17, 2022

Compose Yourself (Wigged Out)

 Our youngest granddaughter Jazz was in a school play this evening."Compose Yourself", about Bethoven, Strauss, & Mozart. It was already dark when we pulled up to the school at 5:15!

A teacher was handing out programs.

It was performed by two 4th grade classes.

There is Jazz, in the center with the moustache. She played Strauss. And she remembered all her lines.

She got to do a waltz.

At one point they turned the lights down and shone flashlights on their faces. 

A few of the kids had to wear huge white wigs. And they were itching, scratching, and trying to adjust them. They looked very combersome.

A final bow ended the play.

Classical music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune.

 ~ Kin Hubbard


Paula Alexandra Santos said...

Hi, Ginny!
They all look so cute and congratulations to Jazz, for remembering all her lines and doing such a wonderful job!
Have a blessed weekend!

Ann said...

Well doesn't Jazz look cute in her mustache. Sounds like a fun play.

Hootin Anni said...

How fun!! Both for the actors and the spectators!! I always thought it's good training for discipline... and Jazz showed great discipline & skills remembering all the lines and cues!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your girls are all so very talented, congrats to Jazz, she looks adorable in that mustache.

George said...

This looks like a fun presentation. Congratulations to Jazz.

NanaDiana said...

Jazz did a great job. Those wigs do look cumbersome and uncomfortable. Looks like the play was a real success! xo Diana

Chatty Crone said...

Those costumes do look rough - but Jazz did a great job!

Latane Barton said...

So cute. Kids at that age are just so amazing. No longer babies, not yet adults. So much to learn. I remember when mine were that age. Sooo long ago.

photowannabe said...

I'll bet that was an awesome play. What encourages me is the fact that the kids are learning about classical music at an early age. Music is Life !!

DeniseinVA said...

So cute! Well done Jazz!!! She looks great in her role and to remember all her lines is quite an achievement. My favorite Strauss song is The Blue Danube.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Precious... poor kidd with wigs...


Carla from The River said...

I am so happy the students are learning about Classical Music. High Five's to Jazz for a job well done. :-)

HappyK said...

Sounds like Jazz did a great job. How nice that you were able to be there to see her.

Mari said...

What fun! She looks so cute!

Linda said...

I love it!!! Jazz was the Star of the SHOW!!!!
Our grand quads were in a play last night, too. Annie Kids.
The three girls are in dance and singing at school and Harrison is in theater so they were ALL in the play. The little girl who played Annie was amazing!
Louis Dean used to put plays on when he was a teacher so he loved seeing this last night!
We would have loved seeing yours too!!

CheerfulMonk said...

That's so sweet! It warms my heart. ❤️

DawnTreader said...

How great that you were able to attend! :)

LC said...

Wonderful! But the kids' itching made my head itch! I was so impressed with the work that children, teachers and parents must have contributed. And when I got to the quote at the end, I had a belly laugh.

Red Rose Alley said...

Good for Jazz for remembering all her lines! That's not an easy thing to do.
She looks so cute in her costume and mustache. It's so nice you got to see her performance. Those poor kids in the white wigs. That must have been uncomfortable for them. I'm sure this was a fun and memorable night for your granddaughter.


Bobbie said...

Aww your granddaughter is absolutely beautiful... I'll bet you enjoyed her performance. I always loved going to school programs. It seems as the kids get bigger there is nothing to attend anymore.


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