Friday, November 11, 2022

The Graveyard Shift

Come on a drve with me around our local cemetary. It is only about three blocks from our house. We used to live across the street from one, and people would say they would not buy a house across the street from a cemetary. We didn't mind. On rainy days I would pull a chair up to the window and watch whatever funeral was ging on.

Returning in the twilight one evening, I saw something rather remarkable. Actually, several things, in the almost dark. But that is for my next post. Today is all about the light and color. My next post will be about the dark.


Nancy Chan said...

Stunning autumn colours. Happy weekend.

Linda said...

Such beautiful colors!! We are starting to see some yellows here in Texas! AND the leaves are starting to fall!

CheerfulMonk said...

Those trees are spectacular!

roentare said...

Despite a graveyard, the autumn leaves are dazzling!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these older cemeteries are so beatuiful and peaceful, like a work of art, the ones now are easy maint and have flat stone the mowers can go over. I love to view and visit old cemeteries. lovely colors, can't wait for the dark, everyone knows I love dark photos the blacker the better

Ann said...

So beautiful with all the fall colors. I've never lived next to a cemetery but I don't think it would bother me. I find them rather peaceful.

George said...

The autumn colors are gorgeous!

Chatty Crone said...

Gorgeous. We used to live across from a cemetery too.

photowannabe said...

I love to visit cemeteries and those fall colors are magnificent.
I would never mind living by a one is going to build and ruin your view..(:0)

Paula Alexandra Santos said...

Hi, Ginny!
Those Autumn colors are amazing!
I believe that living near to a cemetery must be very peaceful. At least your neighbours aren't noisy!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely glorious!!

HappyK said...

As you know I walk around a couple of them most days.
Wouldn't bother me to live by a cemetery - nice quiet neighbors. :)

Shug said...

The beauty of this cemetery is{ quite} appealing. so many colors and truthfully, it looks so peaceful.

Mari said...

What a beautiful place! I like wandering around a cemetery.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

GLORIOUS autumn colour in these trees Ginny Hope you and your husband are keeping well and many thanks for all your comments. Have a wonderful week ahead.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

No one is going to bother you, from a cemetery. :-)


DeniseinVA said...

I like it, and those fall photos, beautiful! We almost bought a house and I looked over the fence right into an overgrown family plot. Back when I was young it startled me some and the house deal fell through. Nowadays I don't think it would have bothered me as much. I would have probably tidied up the plot out of respect.

Red Rose Alley said...

Look at all the Fall trees showing their color at the cemetery. This looks like a nice one, kept up and maintained. That is something that you used to live across the street from a cemetery. I've always found them to be a peaceful place when we visit our loved ones. And I really miss visiting my mom and dad there, but my brother reassures me that he puts flowers on their site often. : )


Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my, I would love to live next to or across the street from a large, well-kept cemetery! I would walk there every day and take pictures of all the nature as the seasons turned. I make opportunities all the time to walk in cemeteries! In fall they are especially poignant! Lovely pics you took, Ginny. xoxo


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