Thursday, November 3, 2022

Too Close For Comfort

 Earlier this week, we were driving on the highway when a deer ran into the road. It was one of TWO. If either of us had to stop all of a sudden, there would have been an awful pileup. Fortunately, it turned back to join it's buddy, and we only needed to slow down. Scared me to death. Fall is rutting time, and there are many on the side of the road now.  I just got a quick speeding snap, can you see both of them on the edge of the highway?

I took this shot in the twilight one evening.

"The deer isn't crossing the road, it's crossing the forest."

~ author unknown


CheerfulMonk said...

Andy has to be careful when driving home from the mountains because of deer and elk. When we drive at night we go even more slowly.

DeniseinVA said...

So glad you were okay. We always worry about the deer, especially towards the end of the day (or early mornings) when they seem to be very active. Great captures!

roentare said...

It is kind of psychedelic to see how it roams in the horizon

Nancy Chan said...

Oh dear, it must have been scary. Thank goodness, you are safe and the deer is safe too.

Ann said...

I know how scary that must have been. I've hit two and had quite a few other close calls. Glad it turned out well for you and the deer.

Hootin Anni said...

Love that photo of deer at dusk!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

in our part of our city, we don't see deer, but 20 miles from us they are a danger for themselves and cars, and a little further, boars and bears are a problme also. love the deer crossing the forest shot... love the quote. glad you were all safe from impacft

Chatty Crone said...

You were blessed not to hit that deer. We have so many down here. They are on the side of the road. Some cars do hit them, and it can be dangerous. That one photo though is so pretty. ☺

Jeanette said...

I love the twilight shot!

George said...

We seem to have deer on all the roads in our area these days.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Yes that’s happened to us a few times as well. So glad the deer turned back or yeah it would have turned out bad.

Carla from The River said...

Oh Yes, those deer are naughty about visiting the roadside around here too. I always yell at them... Stay in the woods. :-)

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Ginny, that deer must have startled you. So glad you just had to slow down and not come to an abrupt stop. They must come out of nowhere in the woods, cause I've seen a few that were hit on the side of the highway, and it made me sad. And I think some drivers drive way too fast on the highways.

I absolutely LOVE that quote, and it's so true. This is their forest, and we have to understand that they need to cross from one side of the woods to the other for food and such. I loved your post today, Ginny.


*just catching up on your delightful posts, as I had to take a road trip for a couple days. : )

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, that must have been scary!
For sure your guardian angels were watching over you.

HappyK said...

We have deer run across our road LOTS of times. It is a very low traffic road though and we always go slow.
It can be scary though!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

I am terrified of hitting a deer! Just not a good scenario for anyone. We were in a hotel in Pennsylvania a few weeks ago and there were deer right outside the window! Three of them! And we were not by any means out in the country! xoxo


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