Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Starbucks Sisters

 Our family came over this evening to show us the girl's Trick-Or-Treat coatumes. Can you guess what they are?

They are mugs of Starbucks latte. The white around their necks is the foam on top of the coffee. Ann Marie is too old for Halloween, so no costume for her. She enjoyed a soda.

She showed me these photos on her phone of her and her co-workers, who had to have some kind of costume for work. They chose fairies with different glittery shirts. She's in the green skirt.

Jazz loved playing with the DS game.

And Phil & our son Mike holed up and talked about guy things.

Here are Phil & I with the girls before they left.

My header is a bat cupcake I made.


DeniseinVA said...

You have a sweet family Ginny. I love the costumes the girls created. Thank you also for the quotes, they made me laugh.

DeniseinVA said...

P.s. I love your bat cupcake, specially those eyes :)

Hootin Anni said...

Very creative cupcake. Clever Starbucks costumes. And enjoyed the fairies too.

roentare said...

Quite a merry family and co-workers. The last meme is hilarious

Ann said...

Love their costumes. How clever.
Your bat cupcakes are cute. Those red eyes are the perfect touch.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the costumes Anne Marie and her coworkers came up with and the girls make great latte.. so cute and I noticed it will not be long when all 3 of your granddaughters will be taller than YOU.. you have 3 really beautiful grand daughters. I notice the men were in charge of the candy. LOL

Shug said...

Cute, cute costumes and they are so cute! I've watched as they have grown up over the past years and they are precious. Glad you grabbed that family know I'm all about family. have a great day

Chatty Crone said...

Those costumes were great. Boy have the girls grown up. I love the picture of all of you!

Jeanette said...

Nice family pictures! I love the two sayings on the bottom!

DawnTreader said...

Nice photos. Ann Marie certainly looks grown up now - I forget how old she is? (I'm finding it 1uite amazing really, that I've been in the blog world myself for so long now that I've seen other bloggers' children or grandchildren grow up from almost toddlers to their mid/late teens...)

photowannabe said...

Love your family photos Ginny. Very clever costumes.
Great memes at the end too.
I just finished my first cup of coffee..time to replenish...

Carla from The River said...

Very fun Ginny! Very creative costumes. Your girls have grown so much. Thank you for sharing your sweet family with us.

Mari said...

Those are cute and creative costumes! Cute kids too. :)
I like your bat cupcake.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a heartwarming post. I love the pictures of your family and the posters made me laugh.

Red Rose Alley said...

I think those are the cutest costumes that I've seen here in blog land. Starbuck's costumes, I didn't realize they were out there! I really like the fairies too. Marie has such a nice and warm smile. That's a dear photo of all of you, Ginny. I love the quote, and the DRINK COFFEE picture made me laugh.


Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love their costumes. What a creative idea.
The two quotes at the end of your post made me smile.

Jenny the Pirate said...

So cute! I'm sorry I missed the header of your bat cupcake! xoxo

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