Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Full Beaver Moon

 This month's full moon is called the Frost Moon, or Beaver Moon. It is believed that this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze. Or that the beavers are hard at work preparing for winter (when are they NOT hard at work?).


CheerfulMonk said...

I'm afraid my eager beaver days are long past. 😊

Hootin Anni said...

Every time I view the moon I think of your photo skills!!! Beautiful.

Ann said...

Your photos of the moon are always fantastic.

roentare said...

Wow, blood moon enlarged to these details. It was making me busy and crazy the whole day and night

Carol said...

Love the moon photos as I have not been able to see it. Living in the country prevents seeing many of these things. I was able to see some of the light from it last night, but could not get to a window to actually see the moon.

Sandi said...


Nancy Chan said...

We are supposed to be able to see the blood moon last night but it was raining heavily. This morning I saw a big round moon but my phone camera is limited. Your moon photos are always spectacular.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with Annie, I think of you when the moon is big. two days ago, early am, 4 in fact, the back yard was bright as day from the huge moon.. a Ginny Moon

Jenny the Pirate said...

So mysterious and such a beautiful color! I hope you are enjoying your little autumn gnomes. I think of you when I look at mine. xoxo

HappyK said...

The moon sure has been bright. Last night it was so light outside!!
Fantastic pictures!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I watch Mountain Men and one of them is a beaver trapper - wonder if he looks at this moon?

DeniseinVA said...

Awsome shots Ginny, fantastic! Love the beaver info too :)

NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful shot of the moon! WOW!!!! I have always had the 'busy beaver' syndrome and wish I could switch it off sometimes. lol. Guess I will enjoy it while I can.

We used to have big beaver dams by our house in one of the huge ponds and it was amazing to watch them.

Have a wonderful rest of the week- xo Diana

LC said...

Awesome shots and information. Never knew about Frost Moon or Beaver Moon!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Just beautiful...

And thank you for the new watching suggestion!


Mari said...

Such a beautiful moon! You always capture it well.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your photos of the Full Beaver Moon are pretty, Ginny. I always see faces in the moon images that you take. I just saw the hedgehog on a friend's post today. We learn a few things from our blog friends often. : )


Carla from The River said...

AMAZING photos my dear friend.
I enjoy the advice too. Do not be a stick in the mud. Ha!


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