Monday, November 21, 2022

The Early Birds

 These photos are houses in our neighborhood that put their Christmas lights out early. WAY early, right after Halloween. So what is your opinion on the timing of decorative lights?


Linda said...

I agree! I go NUTS over tangled Christmas lights! Louis Dean is calm as a cucumber!!

roentare said...

Love your wisdom quote on the Xmas tree

CheerfulMonk said...

I like the old tradition of waiting until after Thanksgiving, but they do look friendly.

Nancy Chan said...

Nice to see the Christmas lights. I like the quote in the last image.

Ann said...

I can understand putting the lights up early so that you don't have to do it in bad weather but my thinking is that they need to wait until after Thanksgiving to turn them on.
Of course I suppose if it's what makes a person happy then they should go for it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I sat my tree out 2 weeks ago and if I were putting lights out they would have been out that day and turned on. we have 4 or 5 houses in our neighborhood and Beau and i like looking at the pretty lights when we walk.

Brenda said...

Whenever feels good. Only in America lol do we have this waiting until after Thanksgiving …in 2020, there was a wave to do it in October for hope.

Hootin Anni said...

To each their own. If it makes people happy...go for it.

Jeanette said...

I think it's fine whenever you want to put up lights! Even in July if that's your thing! I think they look beautiful any time!

Bobbie said...

The lights are pretty. However, I go by the old school rule of waiting till after Thanksgiving for anything Christmas. Otherwise, it's not as special.
Thanks for the advice on Bubbles fears. I tend to think the same as you, that she will grow out of this. It's odd for me, having a puppy that is so afraid of other dogs. Gracie was never this way. But then again, no two are alike ;-) We are introducing her to other dogs by inviting relatives and dogs into our home. So far, so good. I hope you and Phil are doing well. I have been absent from blogging for too long - and I missed it.

Chatty Crone said...

I love everything about Christmas including the lights. I always want to put on light, but no one else wants too. So I decorate what I can. It's kind of cute though.

photowannabe said...

I love the feeling of Christmas lights. It makes everything look so cheery.
We are having our Bible study group here for dinner in about 10 days. I am hoping everything will be decorated by then..we are moving SO...slow this year..I guess age is catching up with us..(:0)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

For myself I prefer to wait till after Thanksgiving - for everyone else: to each his own.

Mari said...

I've always been firm on waiting till after Thanksgiving, but this year I'm putting a few things out early myself.

Carol said...

I have always started decorating for Christmas on Halloween night. I say that each should do what makes them happy. If you want your lights up after Thanksgiving fine, but I like to enjoy mine more than a month so I choose to place mine early. I also listen to Christmas music year round as it makes me feel at peace and happy.

DeniseinVA said...

If it makes them happy I say go for it, though for me it is a little too early. I know many decorate in time for Thanksgiving. When I was a child we didn't decorate until Christmas Eve and then took those decorations down on 12th Night. I usually start early December. Loved your photos!

DeniseinVA said...

Great quote too :)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Whatever they choose! But early, makes sure they will be all done before snow flies. And that's a big point. Especially for climbing a ladder to put lights up high and etc...


Haddock said...

Lovely pictures. Love the blue sky.

HappyK said...

Lots of people start early with the decorations and if it makes them happy go for it.
Not me though. I put mine up about a week before.
The pictures are lovely.

Red Rose Alley said...

There is a house down the road who put some Christmas lights in their window, and I thought it was early, but then I love to decorate the inside for Christmas early, so why not decorate the outside early? Colored lights make me smile, and the last quote and picture got to me, cause I don't see them that often any more. It seems everyone prefers the white lights, but I will forever love the colored lights. Your neighborhood is festive with decorating, and thank you for showing us these displays along the way.



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