Monday, June 26, 2023

It's Not October

 Yet we happened to be behind this car. So what's the deal?

It's nowhere near Halloween, so I really don't get it. Makes me wonder...


Linda said...

Who KNOWS?? Crazy things in the world now!

CheerfulMonk said...

That's creepy and scary!

roentare said...

I best hope the driver is not delusional or some sort

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have that quote on a tshirt and i get lots of comments when i wear it and of laughs. If you were riding behind my son Dan you might see something like this, he collects all this stuff. his work shop is full of it and year round. maybe he is a dinosaur doctor... ha ha.. king of like a dino or alligator. looks like it glows in the dark.

Ann said...

Hard to tell anymore what people are thinking. I saw on Facebook, I think, people who were coming up with ways to use their skeletons for other things besides Halloween.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I live near Salem, MA and you never know what you will see!

Reanaclaire said...

To scare off anyone who comes near the car, I suppose... LOL...
Hi Ginny, it has been a long while since I came here... hope all is good with you..

Chatty Crone said...

I don't know what it means, but it is interesting. Wish I saw more funny things. Love to guess at what is going on.

Mari said...

Hmmm - people do interesting things to their cars!

Jeanette said...

Maybe too lazy to take it out since Halloween?

photowannabe said...

Crazy but perfect Blog Fodder!!
I love finding odd things like this to post sometimes.
The quote is great too.

Carla from The River said...

Ha... We have a house down the street with a full sized skeleton sitting on the front steps!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Looks like a dinosaur - maybe a kid's toy? You always come across the most unusual things, Ginny.


DeniseinVA said...

Wow! Now that would make me look twice, or thrice :)

Ida said...

It was there to make you take a picture of it! Weird, strange, and fun.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh dear! I worry about some people, haaaha! xoxo

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...