Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Welcome To Lake Hillier

 First, I will not be blogging all day on Thursday, as we will be gone for the day. Welcome to Lake Hillier, on Middle Island off the coast of Australia. and you are seeing right, it is bright pink! I took these photos from the T.V. show called Impossible Planet, and I did not change the color.

The lake is surrounded by the Great Southern Ocean. It is a constant pink color, and does not fluctuate with the seasons.

It was in 2016 that the reason for the color was discovered. It is from a red colored bacterium that is a long scientific word I cannot spell. The bacterium is not rare, but there is a lot more of it in this lake than any other one.

Care to go for a swim?

“If there are ripples on the surface of a lake, we cannot see the depth. Similarly unless the mind is restful, we cannot experience the harmony and union within us.”

– Sri Ravi Shankar


Linda said...

That is absolutely AMAZING!!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I would NOT go swimming there!

Ann said...

That is absolutely fascinating. I wouldn't want to swim in it but it would be cool to see it in person.

Mari said...

I've heard about that lake. It's pretty, but I wouldn't want to go in it!

Chatty Crone said...

That is amazing and I love the color - but don't think I would care to swim in all that bacteria! lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow! that is crazy. had no idea this was out there. our planet is amazing for sure... thanks for sharing. I agree no swimming in any water that I can't see my feet. In Georgia the rivers are black, can see my feet even in the edge. Altamaha River is where daddy fished, black as smut

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh wow! I've never seen such a thing. It looks very cool and I think I might be interested in swimming?

photowannabe said...

Wow, very cool. Never saw this before.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That is interesting. I hadn't heard of this before.

HappyK said...

It is amazing. I heard of this before!!

Shug said...

Have never heard of this lake. Thanks for posting as this is interesting. Don't think I would like to even dip my toe in there.

Nancy Chan said...

Amazing! Haven't seen anything like this before.

Jeanette said...

I've seen that before! Very cool!

Red Rose Alley said...

That is so strange to me. Definitely would not swim in it. The ocean surrounding it looks so clean.


DeniseinVA said...

Isn't that amazing? Nature throws us some surprises at times. You have captured your TV scenes beautifully!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Whaaaaat? Incredible!!!! xoxo

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