Friday, June 9, 2023

Shiny Things

 Around here, quite a few people have been hanging C.D.'s in their vegetable gardens to keep the birds away. They are so gorgeous spinning in the sun that I would think it would attract birds. They sure attract me!!


DeniseinVA said...

How clever! A prettier kind of scarecrow :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just put a container of 50 new cd's like these in the thrift store pile yesterday, they are picking up today, now i wonder if I should keep them. no garden but what if the food supply goes away and we have to grow them. hummm

Ann said...

That's a great idea. The last time I tried to plant tomatoes and peppers something ate the entire plant. Maybe I'll try again and use this idea

roentare said...

I have seen a few community gardens hanging these CDs on the creeper plants too

Jeanette said...

The do look pretty shining in the sun!

Chatty Crone said...

What a BRILLIAN idea!

Red Rose Alley said...

Hanging the CD's is a good idea. I bought some florescent ribbon and hung it on the eaves of my house, as I had a woodpecker last year pecking at my house. Didn't really help, they are smart birds. The CD's would probably work better.

I like your quote. Shiny things seem to get our attention haha.


photowannabe said...

Its always a battle between the birds and us for our fruit.
I have some spinners out but the birds don't seem to even mind them..
So I guess we will have to Learn to Share!!!

HappyK said...

Good idea. I guess that's the modern scarecrow! :)

CheerfulMonk said...

That's a great idea, and I love the quote!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have been purchasing old albums because my oldest daughter gave me a vintage turntable for Christmas this year. I don't think I'll hang them in my garden though.

Nancy Chan said...

I used to hang CDs in my garden too but I am not sure whether it works or not because birds still visit my garden.

DawnTreader said...

I've seen that done here as well. Don't pass by a lot of private gardens on my usual walks in town, though!

Carla from The River said...

Ha Ha... my gardening friend Charles does the same thing with CD's. ;-)

Red Rose Alley said...

Ginny, thanks for your encouraging words. I actually saw a Geek Squad guy up here, and asked him about it. You can actually take the computer in and have them try to retrieve the photos, but the question is, "do I want to take my computer all the way to the next town over?" It's about 50 minutes away. I'm thankful I still have the grandkid's photos on my blog. And I still have all my photo albums from when my kids were little. You have much knowledge about techy stuff, and I'm grateful for all your help. : )

Rose said...

I wonder if it works, or if the people that use them like shiny things and use it just as an excuse.

Jenny the Pirate said...

So fetching! I usually put a shiny ball of aluminum foil, or a small bright pinwheel, in my door decoration basket to keep the birds from nesting there! xoxo

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