Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Brown Mystery

 Think my color settings are a bit off? Not so. This is an extremely rare BROWN Panda named Qizai. He was found abandoned by his mother (who is black & white) at two months, and being bullied by other Pandas. 

There are a very few other Brown Pandas, but Qizai is the only one in captivity. He now lives the life of Riley, with a keeper devoted to him 24/7. The mountains of Qinling are the only place these Pandas live. Qizai's head is smaller than a regular Panda, and his eye spots are only underneath his eyes. No one knows what causes this color.

P.S. Of course, all photos are from the web.


roentare said...

She looks sooooo adorable and cute!

DeniseinVA said...

He’s adorable! Such a different coloring to what we are used to. I have never seen one quite like him before. Thanks for sharing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

He or she is absolutely beautiful and I just absolutely love love love the color. As humans are always talking about the Halloween color of skin and the color of furs. Like people not liking black dogs or black cat is so crazy and this sweet guy is just so lovely. So happy you showed him to us

MadSnapper n Beau said...

He or she is absolutely beautiful and I just absolutely love love love the color. As humans are always talking about the color of skin and the color of furs. Like people not liking black dogs or black cat is so crazy and this sweet guy is just so lovely. So happy you showed him to us

Ann said...

Oh my gosh, he's so cute. How sad that he was abandoned by his mother.

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Chatty Crone said...

I wonder if he was bullied by others because of his color. Just a beautiful gift of nature.

Jeanette said...

Very unusual and very pretty!

Carla from The River said...

Wow interesting.

photowannabe said...

He makes me want to pet his soft fur. I really do love the color and that last photo about the salad is too funny.
Enjoy your day.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad he is so well taken care of. I burst out laughing at the quote. 😊

Sandi said...

What a sweetie pie!

Are pandas as growly and scratchy as other bears? 😂 ok, he is just so cute I want to give him a hug. If he only eats salad I may be ok. I will try not to look like a tomato.

Hmm...are pandas bears? Maybe they are more like koalas. I will have to google...

Sandi said...

Ok, they are bears. They are classified as carnivores, but eat mostly plants. I guess I won't be hugging him. I will politely wave from a distance instead. Still, he is so cute! 😍

HappyK said...

A rare beauty.

Veronica Lee said...

Awww! So adorable!

How sad that he was abandoned by his mother.

Hugs and blessings, Ginny

Red Rose Alley said...

aahh, poor thing. He looks a bit sad, even though he gets lots of attention. I've never seen a brown Panda before, that's so interesting. These photos are so cute of him. I especially like the third one. I hope he does well in life.


Jenny the Pirate said...

What a cutie! xoxo

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