Thursday, May 30, 2024

Coffee Talk

 Here is how our coffee corner looks for spring. I really like changing the look. 

Spring table centerpiece.

And a little house I put on a kitchen shelf.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Through The Fence Thursday

 What's this?

A car with two humans in it. Entirely too close to my fence and tree! Let me think. What to do?

I know! I'll run out in front of it in a zig zag pattern. Surely that is the safest thing to do!

I'm outta here!

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Party

 After Anne Marie's graduation, there was the party. She shared the party with her cousin Naomi, who graduated at the same time. 

The party was at the YMCA, so some of the kids could play basketball.

Anne Marie's Dad (our son).

The little graduate bottles contained bubble liquid.

Anne at the gift table. 0ops, this is the only pic of her I got!

The cake and part of the food table.

White chocolate dipped strawberries.

Now for the answers to your questions. Feel free to skip this last part if you want.

1. Q. What is The Governor's School?

A. This is a school that students with high grade scores are invited to attend. They teach advanced things. The students go to this school half of the day, and high school the other half. There are two graduations.

Q. Has she chosen a college?

A. Yes, she will be going to University of Virginia. They are associated with the hospital next to them, University Of Virginia Hospital.

Q. What is her career choice?

A. she wants to be a Biomedical engineer. If you are interested in what this is, here is an explanation:

In general terms, biomedical engineers use their engineering skills to advance healthcare and improve the quality of human life. We're all familiar with some of the products created by biomedical engineers such as dental implants, dialysis machines, prosthetic limbs, MRI devices, and corrective lenses.


“Best dating advice my mom has ever given me: Don’t date the life of the party, date the guy who makes sure the life of the party gets home.”

— Claudia Butcher

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sunday Sunset


At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them.

Luke 4

P.S. Next post will be the party and the answers to your questions about Anne Marie!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Umbrellas & Balloons

 Awhile back, I posted Anne Marie's graduation from Governor's School. Well, last week she graduated from high school! It was outside, and it was cold and drizzling!

We went with her two sisters.

The school orchestra was all ready.

And here come the graduates, walking in to wild applause.

Anne getting her diploma, Honor list, and eight scholarships.

Time to throw their caps in the air. Unfortunately, I only caught two that were airborne!

Through the ceremony, this crow scolded us from the light tops. Next post will be the big party!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Through The Gate Thursday

All of these flowers are behind the fence of a large house two blocks away. The owners are white haired, but still get down on their knees to garden. I would need a crane to get me up!

A Political Halloween

Some people around here are combining their Halloween decorations with their voting signs! I guess it is one way to make people look! I like...