Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sunday Sunset

 This is a Lego sunflower that Dara made for me.

So what does this have to do with a sunset? This edit I made from it reminds me of a fiery sun!

I also just saw this painting on the web. I love the way the sun seems to be shining on the grass in front of the black house. Kind of two opposites.

1.    What’s the most common surgery in the Lego hospital?

Plastic surgery.


2.    Did you hear about the Lego car that crashed on the highway?

Authorities are still trying to piece it together.



Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow pretty. Love the Lego sunflower 🌻

Rose said...

Legos sure makes some neat things...

DeniseinVA said...

I love that! Such a sweet gift. I have never seen a Lego sunflower before. Cute funnies too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I know Linda would love your sunflower, she has a zillion of them in her house. it it really pretty and I love the edit. ha ha on the Lego jokes. been a while since I used one or saw one.. your girls are so sweet

Inger said...

I love the yellow door on the dark house. I'm feeling much better and getting caught up on all that got behind when I was ill. I haven't felt like blogging, but am missing my friends, so I must get my act together and blog soon. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Ann said...

What a cool flower that is. I like the edit you did of it's picture too.
Love that picture you found. Such contrast between the house and the grass.
I'm cracking up here over the Lego car that crashed on the highway.

HappyK said...

The lego sunflower is delightful. :)
Enjoyed the lego jokes too.

Mari said...

I like the Lego sunflower. The painting is great, nice light and dark contrasts.
You made me laugh with your Lego jokes today!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the Lego jokes, and that picture of the house and the grass is spectacular.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a pretty Lego sunflower Dara made for you, Ginny. I smiled when I saw the Legos, as my son used to put them together all the time when he was little. They have the neatest Legos nowadays. I like the edited picture you did also. That picture of the black house with the sun shining on it looks neat.

Have a wonderful week ahead, Ginny.


My Tata's Cottage said...

Cute legos! I love the house and background. Yes, those little leaguers are so fun to watch. Brody is older so he is really focused on the sport, well all sports he plays! But he was helping Blake's coaches. It was sweet to see him enoucourage other along with his little brother.

DawnTreader said...

Lovely Lego sunflower! :)

photowannabe said... the Lego kind of humor!
Wow, Dara made a fantastic Lego sunflower...Clever and thoughtful.

Carla from The River said...

I love the sunflower Lego!!! :-)

Linda said...

I've never met a sunflower I didn't love! Your Dara is really talented!

Red Rose Alley said...

Ginny, the little fairy door Jess got me at a more expensive shop, but I've seen similar ones at Michaels and even Dollar General. That's why I love those dollar stores. They have the same things for low prices. ; ) I just loved the fairy door, cause it has a squirrel at the entrance of the door, and she knows squirrels are a bother to me hehehe.

Reanaclaire said...

So sweet of Dara! Nowadays Lego does indeed come up with every shape, not during our time though. Good for the kids!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Lovely little lego flower.

I'll have to share the lego jokes with my youngest son. He's in a phase where he really loves jokes and these will make his day. :)


Chatty Crone said...

Love that sunflower - never got any flowers when Andy did Legos - lol
And I love how you did that coloring!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

One thing is for sure, is that the sunflower that Dara made for you will last even longer than an actual flower would have so you can always enjoy it!

Lowcarb team member said...

Lego is amazing.
I do like the Lego sunflower.

All the best Jan

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a good job Dara did. It looks beautiful.

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...