Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Thoughts After Parking

 1. The elevator - After parking and entering the hospital, we saw the elevator in the middle of the lobby. It is right in the center, surrounded by glass. We used to be able to look out as we went up and down in the elevator. But now I see the glass has been covered with a kind of smoky film. Wonder if it got too scary for some people?

2. The magazine Racks - All the medical buildings have emptied their magazine racks. This started at the time of Covid.  Maybe the doctors think the magazines will spread germs? I have heard that they do, especially in doctor's offices. Anyway, the racks are still there, just empty.

3. The T.V. - It seems that every T.V, in every doctor's office or hospital waiting room are all turned to the home improvement channels!! Years ago, it used to be the news. But maybe now they think the news will raise our blood pressure. I guess home improvement is calming.

God picked the strongest people and made them nurses.


Terra said...

Yes, you are right, the news would be super stressful in a waiting room. I noticed no more magazines too, actually many magazines have gone out of business. I recall when a famous cooking mag went out of business a few years ago. I think half of the magazines I used to write for are no longer published.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

No magazines here too! Home Improvement or Cooking shows on the tv’s.
The times, they are changing!

Ann said...

I never noticed if there were magazines sitting out the last few times I've been to the doctors. I guess these days everyone is scrolling their phones any way.
That last picture is so cute.

roentare said...

The place is well equipped with necessities. The little kid looks so cute there

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bobs doctor TV is local news/weather and drives me crazy. our DERM doc is advertisements for DERM products, and my doc has not tv and for that I am thankful. eye doc has Andy Griffith show on Lupe and 2 have magazine 2 do not.. nothing is the same as before 2020. my favorite photo of the day is the little guy with the walker man. love it

Mari said...

I was at the dentist yesterday and they had magazines. I was surprised because I haven't seen offices with them for some time.
Cute pic of that little guy!

Jeanette said...

No magazines at my doctor's office either but there seems to be lots of brochures specialty doctors, prescription drug plans and other stuff to sell! I just look at my phone until they call me in!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I do not visit medical offices enough to take notice of whether or not there are still magazines available, but after reading this post, I suspect there are not.

Red Rose Alley said...

I can understand about the magazines. It's a wise idea to not have them out. I also haven't bought any magazines for that same reason. I really miss them, but too many hands touching and browsing through them at this time is not a good thing. It seems that all the changes have been good ones at the medical center. The home improvement channels are always delightful.


DeniseinVA said...

That’s interesting about the magazines. I was at the doctor’s office this morning and come to think of it, there were no magazines. I am very wary about touching things, but then I was before. Simple colds can be spread so easy, let alone the more serious kind. No news on the TV either. I vote they show a tank of tropical fish! That would keep everyone’s blood pressure down nicely before they have it taken!

DeniseinVA said...

The little guy and gentleman is my favorite too.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I never noticed that the magazines were gone in the doctors' offices. Now you have me curious. I have a couple of appointments coming up next week and will check if they're gone in my neck of the woods as well.

Chatty Crone said...

Good observations and Ginny - it is the same way here. The only thing I do not understand are the elevators???

CheerfulMonk said...

I imagine that elevator with the glass might have made some people nervous. Andy's eye doctors used to show a home improvement channel on TV, but they removed it after Covid, presumably to encourage social distancing? We were there today and Andy says it got crowded today. (Before Covid I waited with him, now I wait outside, usually in the car.)

Carla from The River said...

I agree with Chatty Crone, good observations and it is the same here. No magazines and no news.

Shug said...

You are so right Ginny. Magazines have all been taken out of the hospitals and doctors offices. I actually looked this up a couple of years ago, about how many germs there are on magazines (especially in a medical facility). The study had used black lights to show all of the huge amount of germs and junk on page after page. Who would ever think? I was at the car dealership the other day, getting my oil changed and all that was on the TV was remodeling of homes and decorating them....I'm sure all those men that were waiting on their cars, were very impressed. Hope you enjoy a wonderful Mother's Day Weekend.

Rose said...

I love that quote!

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The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...