Monday, May 27, 2024

The Party

 After Anne Marie's graduation, there was the party. She shared the party with her cousin Naomi, who graduated at the same time. 

The party was at the YMCA, so some of the kids could play basketball.

Anne Marie's Dad (our son).

The little graduate bottles contained bubble liquid.

Anne at the gift table. 0ops, this is the only pic of her I got!

The cake and part of the food table.

White chocolate dipped strawberries.

Now for the answers to your questions. Feel free to skip this last part if you want.

1. Q. What is The Governor's School?

A. This is a school that students with high grade scores are invited to attend. They teach advanced things. The students go to this school half of the day, and high school the other half. There are two graduations.

Q. Has she chosen a college?

A. Yes, she will be going to University of Virginia. They are associated with the hospital next to them, University Of Virginia Hospital.

Q. What is her career choice?

A. she wants to be a Biomedical engineer. If you are interested in what this is, here is an explanation:

In general terms, biomedical engineers use their engineering skills to advance healthcare and improve the quality of human life. We're all familiar with some of the products created by biomedical engineers such as dental implants, dialysis machines, prosthetic limbs, MRI devices, and corrective lenses.


“Best dating advice my mom has ever given me: Don’t date the life of the party, date the guy who makes sure the life of the party gets home.”

— Claudia Butcher


DeniseinVA said...

Congratulations again to Anne Marie! Such a fun place to have a party! A very enjoyable series of photos Ginny. Anne Marie has an exciting life ahead of her. Thanks for answering all those questions. I found your answers very interesting.

Ann said...

How nice that she had a shared party with her cousin. Those little bubble bottles are adorable and I LOVE the cake.
Best of luck to Anne Marie in her schooling and future career plans.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

She is even beautiful from the side view. what a great party and so glad you answered the questions, you know I had all of these in my head. and now I KNOW! She is so smart and will do well in the field of her choice.. I hope she can figure out how to stop the aging process. ha ha

Mari said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie! She is beautiful and smart and will go far.
It looks like a really nice party!

DawnTreader said...

Wow, sound like she really deserves double graduations! Wishing her all the best with her college studies and future career! :)

photowannabe said...

Wow, thanks for all of the answers to the questions.
Anne Marie is going to go far in her chosen field. Pretty smart for sure.
Looks like a wonderful party.

Sandy said...

Such a pretty cake. How fun they got to share the party and special time of graduation. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Remember the book, "Oh the Places You Will Go"? That popped into my head seeing all your pictures. Congrats!

Reanaclaire said...

Wow.. congratulations once again to Anne! Good to know she has them well planned too.. wishing her all the best!

Chatty Crone said...

Awe what a wonderful graduation party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am so glad you answered those questions. And I can tell by those answers - she is not an average everyday student - she is one incredibly smart gal. Beautiful too. Great college and field. Will she stay there? I assume so. Best of luck to her!

HappyK said...

Such a nice party.
That cake looks wonderful and I'd love the white chocolate covered strawberries.
Love the quote.

Rose said...

I bet that was a great party. Anne Marie sounds like she will accomplish a lot in her life.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a neat party, and thanks for answering the questions. I'm wishing her the best, and I love that quote. ❤️

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Looks like a fun party, and thanks for explaining what The Governor's School is.
You must be very proud of her.
P.S. Love that dating advice quote by Claudia Butcher. Where do you find these things, LOL.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for not only the photos, but the answers to some questions. Also, what a good plan to have the celebration in a gym where fun could be enjiyed in such a positive way. Congrats again to yiur granddaughter and her cousin.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a festive party for Anne Marie. That was neat that there was a gym to play basketball for anyone who wanted to. Those chocolate dipped strawberries look amazing. And the cake looks fabulous. LOVE the Purple color for the theme. What a wonderful quote you shared at the end, I really like that one.


The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...